132 |
Anemone baldensis |
cream-pale yellow 5-15cm 160 |
G |
133 |
Anemone coronaria |
blue 20-40cm 21 |
G |
134 |
Anemone drummondii |
white/tinged blue reverse 10-25cm 13 111 160 |
G |
135 |
Anemone lithophila |
white/tinged blue 10-25cm 19 |
G |
136 |
Anemone multifida |
cream 10-40cm 75 165 |
G |
137 |
Anemone multifida |
pink 10-40cm 5 |
G |
138 |
Anemone multifida |
red 10-40cm 75 |
G |
139 |
Anemone multifida |
red/pink 15cm 86 |
G |
140 |
Anemone multifida |
white 10-40cm 137 |
G |
141 |
Anemone multifida 'Rubra' |
dark rose-pink to 30cm 43 160 |
G |
142 |
Anemone multifida v multifida |
cream 30-70cm 83 |
G |
143 |
Anemone nemorosa 'Robinsoniana' (moist packed) |
pale lavender-blue 15-20cm 165 |
G |
144 |
Anemone nemorosa 'Wyatt's Pink' (moist packed) |
white-pale pink/fades to deep pink 15-20cm 165 |
G |
145 |
Anemone parviflora |
white/blue-tinged 5-30cm 19 |
G |
146 |
Anemone sylvestris |
white 30-45cm 59 |
G |
147 |
Anemone virginiana |
white/greenish-white 30-80cm 165 |
G |
148 |
Anemonella thalictroides (moist packed) |
semi-double white 10-30cm 165 |
G |
149 |
Anemonella thalictroides (moist packed) |
white 10-30cm 165 |
G |
150 |
Anemonopsis macrophylla |
pale lavender-purple/white 40-80cm > |
G |
151 |
Anemonopsis macrophylla 'Alba' |
white 40-80cm 28 154 |
G |
152 |
Angelica archangelica |
yellow-greenish to 2m 77 |
G |
3018 |
Angelica arguta |
white 152cm Montana: West Glacier 30 |
W |
153 |
Angelica atropurpurea |
cream-greenish flr/purple stems 90-300cm 99 125 |
G |
154 |
Angelica gigas |
dark purple flr/purplish stems 1-2m 4 68 |
G |
155 |
Antennaria dioica |
pink flr/grey woolly lvs 3-10cm 130 |
G |
156 |
Antennaria dioica 'Rotes Wunder' |
red flr/silver-grey lvs 5-10cm 83 |
G |
157 |
Antennaria dioica 'Rubra' |
deep pink flr/grey lvs 10-15cm 139 |
G |
158 |
Antennaria neglecta |
white flr/woolly lvs 4-25cm 32 |
G |
159 |
Antennaria rosea ssp pulvinata |
rose/white/yellowish/brownish flr/woolly lvs 4-17cm 77 |
G |
160 |
Anthemis cretica |
white flr/grey lvs 10-30cm 72 155 |
G |
161 |
Anthemis cretica ssp carpatica |
white flr/silver lvs 10-30cm 165 |
G |
162 |
Anthemis marschalliana |
yellow flr/silver lvs 10-20cm 155 |
G |
163 |
Anthericum liliago |
white 60-90cm 153 |
G |
164 |
Anthericum ramosum |
white 30-70cm 46 86 129 |
G |
165 |
Anthericum undulatum |
white to 50cm 155 |
G |
166 |
Anthriscus sylvestris 'Ravenswing' |
white flr/dark purple-bronze lvs 30-90cm > |
G |
167 |
Anthyllis montana |
pink-dark purple 2-25cm 155 |
G |
168 |
Anthyllis vulneraria |
light orange 4cm 23 |
G |
169 |
Anthyllis vulneraria |
yellow 5-40cm 48 49 |
G |
170 |
Anticlea (Zigadenus) elegans |
cream-greenish 20-80cm 17 |
G |
3019 |
Anticlea (Zigadenus) elegans |
cream-green marking 25cm Oregon: Mt Hood 914m 135 |
W |
171 |
Antirrhinum hispanicum |
pink 10-30cm 121 |
G |
172 |
Antirrhinum hispanicum |
pink/white 10-30cm 24 142 |
G |
173 |
Antirrhinum molle |
pale pink/white-yellow to 30cm 74 |
G |
3020 |
Apios americana |
purple vine North Carolina: Carteret Co 93 |
W |
195 |
Aquilegia 'McKana's Giant' |
mix to 80cm 62 |
G |
174 |
Aquilegia alpina |
blue 15-80cm 155 |
G |
175 |
Aquilegia bertolonii |
blue-violet 20-30cm > |
G |
176 |
Aquilegia buergeriana |
yellow/brown-purple 30-80cm 139 |
G |
178 |
Aquilegia buergeriana 'Calimero' |
wine-purple/yellow 15-20cm 83 |
G |