aberrans | aberrant |
abietina | resembling Abies (fir tree) |
acaule | stalkless |
acaulis | stalkless |
accumbens | lying down |
acerosa | needle-like foliage |
acmopetala | pointed petals |
acranthus | flowers at apices (tips) |
acre | acrid, bitter taste |
acuminatus | tapering gradually to a point |
adeno- | prefix for glandular or sticky |
adhatoda | not touched by goats |
admirabilis | wonderful!, astonishing!! |
adpressus | pressed against |
adstringens | binding together |
adumbratus | counterfeit |
aduncus | bent, crooked, curved, hooked |
aequitrilobus | 3 equal lobes |
aereus | bronze |
aestivus | of summer |
affinis | related to, allied to |
agastus | charming |
agglomeratus | balled (as, in a ball) |
agglutinatus | stuck together |
aggregatulus | joined in little clusters |