Seed List

2024-2025 Seed Exchange Main Round is NOW OPEN for ORDERING!

Click on the seed name to open the Google search page for that genus/species. Use alphabetical buttons or the search boxes underneath to refine the list and the ALL button to get out of the search. To view only Garden or Wild collected seed, use the Garden/Wild box. Use page numbers at the bottom to go to the next page of the list.

To select a seed from within the seed list, click on the choice button you want for that item. To change the choice category click on one of the other options or “No” to unselect an item. Many seeds are in very short supply, so provide enough second choices to ensure you receive a full order and to help the order filler pull your order. Use Second choices (preferred) (2nd*) only on the Second choices selections you want the order fillers to pull first, if they need to pull from second choices.

You may also enter your seed selections using the grey Instant Add box. Ranges can only be added using the Instant Add box. To make a change or remove a range, click on the >>>Review your order so far button to go to Your Selections page to delete the range. Ranges count as one choice (1 packet from the range will be pulled). You are not allowed more than one packet of any seed number.

When you finish making all your selections and are ready to pay for your order, click the Finalize Order - Checkout button; do not click this button until you have made all your selections.

Due to Phytosanitary restrictions, European Union, UK, Australia, and Japan members cannot order any moist packed seed or place an order in the Surplus Round. Australia and New Zealand members may only order seeds permitted entry by their countries.

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Seed # Genus/Species Description Garden/Wild
3289 Silene laciniata New Mexico: Magdalena Mtns 93 W
3290 Silene latifolia South Dakota: Minnehaha Co 142 W
1697 Silene ovata white 30-150cm 94 G
1698 Silene petersonii bright pink 5-15cm 75 G
1699 Silene pusilla white 10-15cm 72 G
1700 Silene regia scarlet-red 50-160cm 15 G
1701 Silene rubella bright pink 20-60cm 19 G
1702 Silene saxifraga white/pink 10-20cm 155 165 G
1703 Silene schafta red to 25cm 19 G
1704 Silene schafta 'Shell Pink' pale pink flr/grey-green lvs 10-15 cm 46 G
1705 Silene suecica bright pink 5-35cm 4 75 G
3291 Silene suksdorfii greenish-white 12cm Washington: Kittitas Co 2100m 9 W
1706 Silene uniflora white flr/blue-green lvs to 15cm 75 G
1707 Silene uniflora 'Compacta' white-light pink flr/grey-green lvs 5-10cm 97 G
1708 Silene zawadskii white 15-30cm 64 111 137 G
1709 Silphium laciniatum yellow 1-3m 163 G
1710 Silphium mohrii pale yellow 40-160cm 125 G
3292 Simmondsia chinensis 1.5m Arizona: Sierra Ancha Mtns, Gila Co 93 W
1711 Sinningia 'Bananas Foster' light yellow to 60cm 43 G
1712 Sinningia tubiflora white to 60cm 93 G
1713 Sisyrinchium angustifolium pale-deep blue to 45cm 139 G
1714 Sisyrinchium angustifolium white to 45cm 46 G
1715 Sisyrinchium californicum yellow 5-40cm 16 G
1716 Sisyrinchium chilense white 20-30cm 153 G
1717 Sisyrinchium idahoense bluish-violet to 45cm 74 165 G
1718 Sisyrinchium idahoense v macounii 'Moody Blues' blue-violet to 15cm 165 G
1719 Sisyrinchium macrocarpum yellow/brown ring to 20cm 40 74 G
1720 Sisyrinchium patagonicum yellow/brown throat 10-30cm 156 G
3293 Smallanthus uvedalia Tennessee: Unicoi Co 142 W
1721 Smyrnium perfoliatum yellow to 90cm 21 G
1722 Soehrensia huascha ssp huascha hybrids mix 93 G
1723 Soldanella sp purple 7-8cm 127 G
3294 Solidago altissima Massachusetts: South Easton 109 W
3295 Solidago canadensis (PI) Massachusetts: South Easton 109 W
3296 Solidago gigantea Massachusetts: South Easton 109 W
3297 Solidago nemoralis yellow 15-30cm Virginia: Scott Co 157 W
1724 Solidago ptarmicoides white 10-40cm 125 G
3298 Solidago randii yellow 15cm New Hampshire: Coos Co 146 W
1725 Solidago rigida yellow 30-150cm 104 G
3299 Solidago rugosa Massachusetts: South Easton 109 W
1726 Solidago speciosa (PA ecotype) yellow 150cm 138 G
1727 Solidago uliginosa yellow 30-120cm 152 G
1728 Sorbus reducta white flr/pink-white frt 15-60cm 50 G
1729 Sparaxis metelerkampiae violet-purple 15-30cm 24 G
1730 Spigelia marilandica red/yellow-green tip 30-60cm 14 21 G
1731 Spigelia marilandica 'Little Redhead' dark red/yellow inside 50-60cm 71 G
1732 Spigelia marilandica 'Ragin Cajun' orange red/yellow tip 50-60cm 71 G
1733 Sporobolus heterolepis 30-70cm 67 71 G
1734 Stachys citrina lemon-yellow flr/white woolly lvs 12-35cm 155 G
1735 Stachys lavandulifolia mauve-purple woolly flr/grey-green lvs 15-25cm 87 G