Seed List

2024-2025 Seed Exchange Main Round is NOW OPEN for ORDERING!

Click on the seed name to open the Google search page for that genus/species. Use alphabetical buttons or the search boxes underneath to refine the list and the ALL button to get out of the search. To view only Garden or Wild collected seed, use the Garden/Wild box. Use page numbers at the bottom to go to the next page of the list.

To select a seed from within the seed list, click on the choice button you want for that item. To change the choice category click on one of the other options or “No” to unselect an item. Many seeds are in very short supply, so provide enough second choices to ensure you receive a full order and to help the order filler pull your order. Use Second choices (preferred) (2nd*) only on the Second choices selections you want the order fillers to pull first, if they need to pull from second choices.

You may also enter your seed selections using the grey Instant Add box. Ranges can only be added using the Instant Add box. To make a change or remove a range, click on the >>>Review your order so far button to go to Your Selections page to delete the range. Ranges count as one choice (1 packet from the range will be pulled). You are not allowed more than one packet of any seed number.

When you finish making all your selections and are ready to pay for your order, click the Finalize Order - Checkout button; do not click this button until you have made all your selections.

Due to Phytosanitary restrictions, European Union, UK, Australia, and Japan members cannot order any moist packed seed or place an order in the Surplus Round. Australia and New Zealand members may only order seeds permitted entry by their countries.

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Seed # Genus/Species Description Garden/Wild
1604 Salvia greggii white 60cm 166 G
1605 Salvia henryi bright red flr/grey lvs to 30cm 69 155 G
1606 Salvia jamensis (x) 'Nachtvlinder' dark plum-purple to 60cm 46 G
1607 Salvia jurisicii violet-lavender flr/grey-green lvs to 30cm 75 155 G
1608 Salvia lyrata pink flr/purple lvs 30-60cm 4 G
1609 Salvia microphylla magenta/red/pink/rose 100-130cm 24 G
1610 Salvia nutans violet-blue 50-120cm 68 155 G
1611 Salvia patens cobalt blue 30-60cm 46 88 91 G
1612 Salvia pisidica violet blue 15-35cm 155 G
1613 Salvia recognita pale pink flr/grey hairy lvs 60-90cm 155 G
1614 Salvia reflexa (PI) pale-dark blue/white 10-70cm 133 155 G
1615 Salvia reptans deep blue to 90cm 4 G
1616 Salvia roemeriana scarlet to 30cm 126 G
1617 Salvia rosmarinus Prostratus Group lavender-blue 15-30cm 93 G
1618 Salvia sclarea v turkestanica white/pink tinged to 1m 164 G
1619 Salvia semiatrata violet/lavender to 180cm 16 G
1621 Salvia staminea off-white/cream to 75cm 144 G
1622 Salvia verticillata lavender 45-90cm 117 G
1623 Salvia verticillata purple to 90cm 91 G
1624 Sanguinaria canadensis (moist packed) white 15-40cm 165 G
1626 Sanguisorba 'Cangshan Cranberry' burgundy-red 1.5-2m 4 G
1625 Sanguisorba canadensis white-greenish white 90-200cm 67 G
1627 Sanguisorba hakusanensis pink-lavender flr/grey-green lvs 50-75cm 68 G
1628 Sanguisorba officinalis dark red-purple 30-120cm 36 G
1629 Sanguisorba officinalis 'Little Angel' ruby red flr/white-edged lvs 10-18cm 27 G
1630 Saponaria boissieri (x) pink 5-15cm 63 G
1631 Saponaria caespitosa purplish-pink 5-15cm 87 155 165 G
1632 Saponaria ocymoides pink 5-25cm 17 101 160 G
1633 Saponaria pumila rosy pink 2-5cm 127 G
1634 Saponaria pumilio pink-purple 1-5cm 87 165 G
1635 Saponaria sicula pink 10-15cm 64 G
1636 Saruma henryi soft yellow 45-60cm 120 G
1637 Saruma henryi (moist packed) soft yellow 45-60cm 165 G
1638 Sauromatum venosum purplish brown-yellowish mottled spathe 20-100cm 141 165 G
1639 Saxifraga arendsii (x) mix 10-20cm 101 G
1640 Saxifraga bronchialis yellowish white 5-20cm 21 G
1641 Saxifraga burnatii (x) (paniculata x cochlearis) white 20cm 84 G
1642 Saxifraga cebennensis white to 8cm 21 160 G
1643 Saxifraga cernua white flr/red bulbils 10-20cm 31 G
1644 Saxifraga cochlearis x callosa 84 G
1645 Saxifraga longifolia white 10-70cm 20 G
1646 Saxifraga macnabiana (x) white/red spotted to 45cm 165 G
1647 Saxifraga Mossy Group pink 15cm 96 G
1648 Saxifraga oppositifolia pink-purple 2cm 83 G
1649 Saxifraga paniculata white-cream to 30cm 21 83 G
1650 Saxifraga paniculata 'Brevifolia' white to 15cm 137 G
1651 Saxifraga tricuspidata white-cream 4-10cm 31 G
1652 Scabiosa japonica 'Ritz Blue' blue-lilac 10-20cm 97 G
1653 Scabrethia (Wyethia) scabra yellow 20-60cm 69 G
1654 Schisandra chinensis white-yellow flr/pinkish-red frt 8-9m 103 107 G