686 |
Ennealophus euryandrus |
blue-lavender 30cm 94 |
G |
687 |
Ephedra monosperma |
red cones to 15cm 138 |
G |
3110 |
Epilobium anagallidifolium |
15cm Wyoming: Albany Co 3230m 142 |
W |
688 |
Epilobium canum ssp garrettii |
red-orange 15-40cm 155 |
G |
689 |
Epipactis gigantea |
greenish-rose/red-brown 30-100cm 156 |
G |
690 |
Eranthis hyemalis |
yellow to 15cm 87 |
G |
3111 |
Eremogone (Arenaria) capillaris |
white 15cm Oregon: Mt Hood 1341m 135 |
W |
691 |
Eremogone (Arenaria) hookeri |
white 1-15cm 155 |
G |
692 |
Eremogone (Arenaria) hookeri v hookeri |
white 1-15cm 87 |
G |
693 |
Eremurus himalaicus |
white 120-180cm 48 |
G |
694 |
Eremurus stenophyllus |
yellow 30-150cm 155 |
G |
695 |
Ericameria laricifolia |
golden yellow 30-100cm 155 |
G |
3112 |
Ericameria nauseosa v nauseosa |
yellow 60-90cm Colorado: Boulder Co 118 |
W |
696 |
Erigeron aliceae |
pinkish purple 30-80cm 19 |
G |
697 |
Erigeron arenarioides |
pale blue 6-25cm 19 |
G |
698 |
Erigeron aureus |
yellow flr/woolly grey lvs 1-15cm 32 |
G |
3113 |
Erigeron aureus |
yellow 15cm Washington: Kittitas Co 2000m 9 |
W |
699 |
Erigeron chrysopsidis |
yellow 3-15cm 19 |
G |
700 |
Erigeron compositus |
mix 5-15cm 155 |
G |
701 |
Erigeron compositus |
white 5-15cm 19 107 |
G |
703 |
Erigeron compositus 'Railroad Ridge' |
lavender-pink flr/grey-green lvs 5cm 87 165 |
G |
704 |
Erigeron compositus 'Red Desert' |
white 5-10cm 74 155 |
G |
705 |
Erigeron compositus 'The Giant' |
white 20-25cm 19 |
G |
706 |
Erigeron compositus 'Tiny Blue' |
blue flr/blue-grey lvs 3cm 8 |
G |
702 |
Erigeron compositus (dwarf form) |
155 |
G |
707 |
Erigeron elegantulus |
blue 3-15cm 19 |
G |
708 |
Erigeron elegantulus |
mix 3-15cm 25 |
G |
709 |
Erigeron flagellaris |
white 3-15cm 155 |
G |
710 |
Erigeron glacialis |
pale purple 5-55cm 19 |
G |
3114 |
Erigeron glacialis |
purple 30cm Oregon: Olallie Lake 1524m 135 |
W |
711 |
Erigeron grandiflorus |
white 2-25cm 19 |
G |
712 |
Erigeron leiomerus |
white/blue-purple 4-12cm 19 66 |
G |
3115 |
Erigeron leiomerus (cf) |
Wyoming: Albany Co 3260m 142 |
W |
713 |
Erigeron linearis |
bright yellow/cream 5-20cm 19 155 |
G |
714 |
Erigeron nanus |
blue-purplish 2-10cm 155 |
G |
715 |
Erigeron nanus |
white 2-10cm 19 |
G |
716 |
Erigeron pinnatisectus |
light blue-purplish 4-11cm 63 |
G |
717 |
Erigeron pumilus |
white-pink/bluish 5-30cm 155 |
G |
718 |
Erigeron scopulinus |
white 0.5-3.5cm 19 66 165 |
G |
719 |
Erigeron sp |
pink 6cm 17 |
G |
720 |
Erigeron speciosus (ex Colorado) |
83 |
G |
721 |
Erigeron tweedyi |
blue-purple/white 4-20cm 37 66 |
G |
722 |
Erigeron uniflorus |
white-pale purple 5-15cm 159 |
G |
723 |
Erigeron ursinus |
pink-bluish purple 5-25cm 19 |
G |
724 |
Erigeron vagus |
pink 2-4cm 39 |
G |
725 |
Erinus alpinus |
pink-rose 10-15cm 145 160 |
G |
726 |
Erinus alpinus |
white 10-15cm 21 57 |
G |
727 |
Eriocapitella rivularis |
white/violet-blue anthers & reverse 20-60cm 53 88 |
G |
728 |
Eriocapitella rupicola |
white/pink-violet reverse 5-25cm 19 |
G |
729 |
Eriogonum allenii |
yellow 30-50cm 138 |
G |