Delphinium kamaonense
Description and general information
This dwarf delphinium produces a loose raceme of 3 to 14 deep blue flowers on plants that reach 25-45 cm in height.
It is native to the Himalayas of SW Gansu to W Sichuan in China, west to NW India and Nepal, where is grows on grassy slopes at an elevation of 2500-4200 m.
Full sun to part shade in moist, but well-drained soil.
Bloom period
The blooming season for this species begins in May in the southern USA and Pacific Northwest until early August in northern regions such as Atlantic Canada.
Seed or division.
This species of Delphinium benefits from a stratification period. Sow at 4 C for 8-10 weeks then bring into gentle heat. Seeds need darkness to germinate.
Particularly robust specimens may be divided in early spring.
Not generally taken.