

share knowledge about cuttings, divisions, and seedlings

Arctomecon merriami

Submitted by Peter George on

The question about Papaver kluanense got me thinking about a poppy that I've been intrigued by for years, but have never tried. That poppy is Arctomecon merriami, and Alan Bradshaw has seed available. He lists it as a zone 7 plant, but sometimes the zones listed are not really accurate. Anyone have any experience with it in the wild or in cultivation?

Seed Storage

Submitted by Moyles on

As I receive or harvest seed I store it in my freezer until I sow or distribute it. A good deal of my experience has been with rhododendron seed that I find retains viability for a very long time: perhaps 5 or 6 years ... I find freezer storage is "dry" and I use no dessicator. Are there any comments on shelf life of "alpine" seed in general?? E.g., what expectations should I have re: say, Townsendia ... or Eriogonum ... or is this just too general an issue (putting aside the issue of "ephemeral" seed). Some comments?

Allium from seed

Submitted by Sellars on

We collected some Allium siskiyouense seed in southern Oregon last July. On the basis that Alliums are bulbs I duly planted the seed a month ago along with the rest of the bulb seed. Well, four weeks later, I am surprised to see a pot full of seedlings that, I assume, will require tender loving care over the winter. Is this rapid germination (with no stratification) common with all Allium seed? Would it have been better to plant them in January or would there have been lower germination in the Spring?

When to take cuttings Of Salix x boydii??

Submitted by Reed on

I would like to take cuttings of my Salix x boydii and was wondering if anyone has had a bit more experience with this Salix. The last time I took cuttings of it I only got one to grow (maybe that is all I can expect?). I don't know if I should take Hardwood cuttings, softwood cuttings or what. I thought about taking some now and keeping them in my greenhouse in the misting system. Any recommendation's would be good. Thanks

Talinum okanaganense

Submitted by Howey on

Finally, after a couple of unsuccessful tries, T.okanaganense germinated for me and grew more sturdy throughout the summer in its pot. Previously, I had planted it outside, thinking it would winter over here. Should have realized that the BC Okanagan Valley is desert like - or so I have heard - and a lot warmer than here. And of course it just disappeared never to return. So this time, it stayed in its pot over summer but now seems to be "dying". Can anyone tell me is this just what it does in the winter - just die down - and then come up in the spring?