

share knowledge about cuttings, divisions, and seedlings

handling seed received in moist pack (vermiculite)

Submitted by vanachterberg on

I received seed of Helleborus thibetanus packed in vermiculite (moist pack). It says needs cold cycle or multiple warm/cold cycles to germinate. I put the seed packet in a jar in the refrigerator. Should I plant it, cover the pot or not, and put the whole pot in the refrigerator and for how long. Or should I leave the seed packet in the fridge and then plant the seeds outdoors in the spring?


Submitted by bulborum on

To keep everything together in one topic
here my (and your) experience with seeding
and growing bulbs from seed

I seeded most seeds in December
the first to germinate was Phycella ignea
Most flower-pictures are from my suppliers


Dracocephalum Germination

Submitted by Peter George on

It's obviously time for us to really focus on how to germinate our seeds. It's easy to find the 'how to' for a lot of seed, but some are both confusing and contradictory. I have seed of several Dracocephalum, including D. grandiflorum, D. heterophyllum, D. stamineum, D. nodulosum, and D. imberbe. Advise PLEASE.


Submitted by Peter George on

I got some seed of Pedicularis oederii and haven't a clue what to do with it. Help, please!! Ironically, I did a bunch of research on germination, but found some interesting information about hosts for the plants, but nothing about how to actually germinate the seed.

Peony Seeds

Submitted by vanachterberg on

I harvested seeds of Paeonia mlokosewitschii (the lovely yellow 'Molly the Witch') on July 14. They were stlll wet and in a pod with some interesting red stuff that looked like caviar floating among the seeds. I have kept them in an open paper cup and after a few days they are no longer wet and do not seem to have shriveled. But they are not dark, like the Paeonia tenuifolia rosea seeds I collected last month. By the way these are the only 2 species of peony I grow--oh, I have the red Paeonia tenuifolia, but did not see any seeds on that one. I have several more pods of P.

Ranzania japonica

Submitted by Wetzel on

I have one precious plant which has been in my woodland for several years. It blooms and produces berries (I know I should have collected the fruit). I would like to propagate it but am reluctant as I do only have one. Does anyone have any experience with this plant as to when is the best time and how? I have read that it doesn't like to be moved. To divide the rhizome would require that it be lifted.

indoor propagation

Submitted by Klapwijk on

Hello all,

at Mark McDonough's request, I'm posting some pictures of my propagation box and grow room, used mainly in the production of rhododendron and azalea cuttings and seeds.

Chris Klapwijk
NARGS webmaster
Surrey BC Canada