

share knowledge about cuttings, divisions, and seedlings

Tropaeolum polyphyllum

Submitted by Cockcroft on

I've been growing Tropaeolum polyphyllum for 3 years in a two-gallon pot sitting on sand in a frame. It sends out two sprays of flowers reliably every year -- lovely. This year it is sending up new sprouts throughout the sand bed. Will these new stems make new tubers? It would be nice to have a few more plants so I could experiment with planting some out in the garden.

Harvesting woodland seed: Iris koreana and others

Submitted by Mark McD on

I've never had good luck harvesting seed on Chinese Iris species, or even the North American woodland Iris such as Iris cristata. It helps being retired (wish I was) or unemployed (wish I wasn't, sort of), because I get to observe in much more timely detail, about what plants are up to. Year after year, I see big, fat, 3-sided pods on species like I. koreana and I. odaesanensis, two wonderful Chinese woodland Iris species, but rarely ever get any seed, although do find seedlings of I. odaesanensis often enough.

Viburnum trilobum

Submitted by MSmith on

Hi all. I hope some one can help me with the propagation of this viburnum from seed. I have tried before but with no success so wonder if there is something special I should do when planting them. The berries are still fresh and covered in pulp which I will wash off. Any other tips would be gratefully received. Thanks. :)

Seed compost and the Quarterly

Submitted by McGregorUS on

Every time I talk about seed composts over here in England I always talk about my basic mix as 1 part John Innes compost, 1 part sand and less than 1 part grit. Then compact that in the pot and add a layer of more sandy mix at the top, onto or into which I sow the seed. Then if the pot will go straight outside I tope off with grit.

First '09/'10 success

Submitted by Broekhuis on

Well, I just had to pop in and report that the first seedlings from this year's exchange are starting to green up the place. Honor of first place this year goes to Scutellaria resinosa, which I've been wanting to grow for a few years now. So far so good - good germination, straightforward at room temperature.

What are you having success with from this year's round?

rhododendron seed starting

Submitted by Sadauskas on

hello all,

just received my seeds :o and was looking for some seed starting basics on rhododendron kinsai x showa-no-homare and r. shiryu-no homane x mine-no-hoshi(hope I got all that right). I am quite unfamiliar with rhododendrons, but wanted to give some a try. I read something about spahgnum medium, and just wondered if any rhododendron growers might want to chime in?
