Plant Identification


post an unknown plant and see if others can provide a name

Roadside plant?

Submitted by cohan on

I seem to run into something like this plant occasionally--seems to be around this stage-(not even sure if this is in seed, or still flowering- maybe that's why I never see it 'in flower' it is!)- I should have looked more closely rather than just taking a photo! This is an open medium/dry area (hard call on roadside ditches- plants could be up a bank where it looks dry, but might have roots down to the moister bottom) and the plant could be native or could easily be an agricultural weed..

diminutive crucifer

Submitted by Howey on

It's small but it's mighty. It has been flowering two years in the garden and seems to be spreading in a refined way. It doesn't look anything what the label specifies - Bolanthus - wrong family. But I'm curious - sort of like it. Does anyone know what it might be? Fran

Besseya wyomingensis?

Submitted by Lori S. on

I saw this plant on a rocky ridge on our early September foray into the northeastern prairie-montane corner of Waterton N.P.. I think it's Besseya wyomingensis, but have never seen it in the wild before (and have only my rather poorly-grown Besseya alpina to compare with). What do you think? I think the stem shows where stem leaves were attached but have dried and fallen off.

What are these bulbs?

Submitted by RickR on

I am sure they are just something simple, as they are from the local nursery shelf and coming from some Dutch company. I planted them years ago, and I can't even remember what the flowers are like! (Obviously, they are not stellar performers here.)