Plant Identification


post an unknown plant and see if others can provide a name

Chocolate Color Plant

Submitted by Charest on

Three of these plants appeared in different spots in the garden last year. I have no clue where from (seeds brought in with other plants?). Two are in the sun and the foliage is chocolate color. One in the shade is greener. The foliage looks like bugbane's but flower buds are already forming in mid-May.

Which is the real Achillea holosericea?

Submitted by Lori S. on

I grew seeds of Achillea holosericea this year, and ended up with two different plants. Most of the seedlings look like the plant on the left, which I suspect is not Achillea holosericea, judging from the few photos I can find, including the one in the article by Grahame Ware in the spring 2012 Rock Garden Quarterly. (It does look very interesting though!) Can anyone please comment or suggest what the one on the left might be (if it not Achillea holosericea)? Thanks.

Unknown astragalus(?)

Submitted by Lori S. on

I grew this a couple of years ago as Astragalus angustifolius, in order to compare to an old plant I have. It was soon obvious from the form that it wasn't Astragalus angustifolius at all. It's bloomed this year with rather attractive grey-purple flowers. Any idea what it might be?

Which brassicaceae?

Submitted by Broekhuis on

A couple years ago I got seed through the exchange for "Petrocallis pyrenaica". One seedling survived, bloomed a bit last year, and is blooming again on a slightly more robust plant now. It's clearly not petrocallis - probably some kind of alyssum, aurinia, or something in that botanical corner. Any ideas? My page about the plant is up here: and I'd love to get the identification correct.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

Not sure what this Heuchera is, any ideas?

Submitted by Merlin on

Many years ago i came across this plant while exploring a remote area of limestone outcrops in central Idaho. It seems the population was only on cliffs in a rather small area and was a bit of a hectic climb just to have a look(i could not repeat that today, i'm afraid). I am not really sure what it is as i have not been able to key it out in a satisfactory way and have never been skilled with keys anyway.

what is this plant

Submitted by Mandeville on


I bought this plant last year at a yard sale. No one knows what it is.

Evergreen, 2in tall, single stem, tri-leaf. No flowers as yet.

I have tried several times to attach a 12KB jpg of the plant to no avail. What is the secret to uploading a photo?

Sue Mandeville

Unknown fern

Submitted by Lori S. on

I know next to nothing about ferns, and my efforts at trying to identify this one have come to naught! These photos were taken quite high in the alpine zone in northern Banff (~2600m elevation). It looks like it should be distinctive enough that someone may recognize the genus on sight. It's growing in crevices among quartzite boulders. Any help to ID it would be appreciated.