Plant Identification


post an unknown plant and see if others can provide a name

Salvia caespitosa or not?

Submitted by Middleton on

Salvia caespitosa species or not?
This is a mystery plant that I can't find using only Google.
Grown from seed in 2010 it grew into a 30 cm multistem shrub and bloomed quite differently than the photo of Salvia caespitosa in NARGS Photos. It smells like Salvia and appears to have leaves of Salvia. In the second photo attached there are a few flowers left for identification, hopefully.

An alpine mystery...

Submitted by Lori S. on

I saw this the other day on an alpine hike, on a scree slope that is somewhat wettish from snow melt running through it.
The leaves ought to make it pretty easy, but I have compared to what I thought were the likely suspects and not yet found a match. It appears to have 5 stamens from what I can tell (rather than the 10 of Saxifraga spp.).
Anyone know what it is?

Clematis? and if so which species?

Submitted by killdawabbit on

Hi, all. My first post in this forum. I don't know where this came from and have never seen another around here. I do have a large climbing wild clematis that reseeds every so often. But this is completely prostrate (because nothing to grow on?). Also the leaves are much smaller than the wild one.
Anyone have a clue what it is? I first noticed it last year and haven't seen it bloom yet.


Submitted by Cammack on

I found these eriogonum in Nevada, near Austin, just south of Highway 50. June 20. They ranged in size from 6 to 12 inches in diameter.

Does anyone know what kind of eriogonum they are?

Not Saponaria lutea...

Submitted by Lori S. on

But what is it? Seems to me like some sort of Cephalaria perhaps? The flower stalks are about 20" tall; the basal rosette is ~1" tall. The flower stalks have one pair of lanceolate opposite leaves, and there is another pair immediately under the inflorescence. The inflorescence seems to be somewhat sticky (judging from the unfortunate flies that met their fate there). Any ideas? Thanks.