Plant Identification


post an unknown plant and see if others can provide a name

Calandrinia is it?

Submitted by Howey on

This one grows where I planted Calandrinia seeds. This is actually its third year in the garden and looks like it might bloom. Sorry, in a way, about the rain drops in the picture. Fran

Frances Howey
London,Ontario, Canada
Zone 5b


Submitted by Howey on

I bought this plant as simply "jasmine" but it's like no other jasmine I've seen. This one is fairly small with a woody stem from which leaves (about an inch and a half long and three quarters of an inch wide in the middle) grow on sprays (panicles?) from which the three quarter inch purple with white picotee edge flowers grow in turn from their own small sprays. The leaves are opposite and moderately serrate and it has a lovely but not heavy fragrance. Looks a bit like a miniature wisteria.

Zigadenus ID

Submitted by Mark McD on

Last year at a NARGS New England Chapter seedling sale, I bought a plant labeled as Zigadenus elwesii. Researching the name, it doesn't appear there is such a combination as Zigadenus "elwesii", so I'm left wondering which Zig species I actually have. The Flora of North America has 14 species, but since the genus includes species from Mexico & Central America, as well as in Japan, China, Siberia and Mongolia, I'm not sure I'll be able to arrive at an ID.

Re: cactus ID

Submitted by Howey on

Seed for this cactus came to me as Echinocereus triglochidiatus (sp?). I was expecting a red flower but it turned out yellow - pretty but not what I wanted. I note there are many different species of Echinocereus. Can you tell from the picture which one it is? Perfectly hardy here. Thanks. Fran

Frances Howey
London, Ontario, Canada
Zone 5b


Submitted by Charest on

Can anyone identify this iris? For over 10 years, it has been blooming in the grass, in a field just outside the garden proper. It blooms at the same time as Iris versicolor (but in a spot slightly dryer and shadier than where versicolor grows). It is about 4 inches tall. The number of plants has not increased or decreased over the years (always about 10 plants/blooms).