Plant Identification


post an unknown plant and see if others can provide a name

Any info on degenia velebita

Submitted by paulhschneider on

I just received my 2010 seeds. It's always great to see if there are any "surprises" in the order. This year I rec. a packet of Degenia velebita. It's a new plant to me. Apparently from Croatia or thereabouts. Can anyone give me any info, picture or propagation tips??? Thanks in advance. paul s.

Potentilla ID

Submitted by Lori S. on

Though I love seeing them, I'm afraid I haven't paid close enough attention to identify the various alpine potentilla species that occur in the eastern slope Rockies in south-central Alberta (Kananaskis Prov. Park, Banff N.P.). However, I wonder if someone might recognize this one on sight?

Unknown Campanula

Submitted by Boland on

I sow this species as C. tatrae...all expect this one might be correct (I expect tatrae is actually just a form of rotundifolia)...however this robust species is something unknown to me.  I cannot find anything in G. Nicholls book that matches.  The plant reaches 30 cm with masses of small flowers.  The leaves are pubescent.  Could it be an unusual form of rotundifolia too?

Alpine Salix ID

Submitted by Lori S. on

I hope no one minds if the inaugural posting to the NARGS Plant Identification is a challenging one! (Or so it is to me, at any rate!)
This is a high alpine Salix, seen in northern Banff National Park (eastern slope Rockies) at approximately 2600m elevation in mid-August. The leaves are very tiny, approximately 4mm, to 8mm maximum, in length. (The ring in the photo is 16mm in diameter, for scale.)