Unknown Campanula

Submitted by Boland on

I sow this species as C. tatrae...all expect this one might be correct (I expect tatrae is actually just a form of rotundifolia)...however this robust species is something unknown to me.  I cannot find anything in G. Nicholls book that matches.  The plant reaches 30 cm with masses of small flowers.  The leaves are pubescent.  Could it be an unusual form of rotundifolia too?


Submitted by Jeremy on Sun, 01/31/2010 - 07:53

Todd, it's my (limited) understanding that the rotundifolia complex is so muddled and the included species so closely allied that a photo won't allow ID.  Crook divides them by erect or nodding blooms and capsules, but also pubescence of stem, shape of rhizome and capsule and leaf have been used. Plants identified as rotundifolia have been found to be both diploid and tetraloid, but tatrae is always tetra. So my advice is to get out your microscope and start counting ploids! J

Submitted by Jeremy on Sun, 01/31/2010 - 08:44

Todd, P.S. "tetraploid, with 2n=68.C. Tatrae  Borbás, comprising monticolous derivatives ofC. rotundifolia L., is subdivided into three subspecies [subsp.Tatrae, subsp.mentiens  (Witas.) Kovanda and subsp.sudetica  (Hruby) Kovanda], " just to get you more confused as to I.D.