Plant Identification


post an unknown plant and see if others can provide a name

Erysimum 'Orange Flame'

Submitted by Kelaidis on

Curious if anyone knows anything about the origins or possible species derivation of this pretty well established wallflower: it has been propagated and sold by various wholesale nurseries in recent years: it's been pretty long lived and long blooming for me and very showy (as you can see from the accompanying pix). I am quite fond of it, and wondered if it is allied to E. helveticum which it resembles a bit (only the latter is always yellow in my experience). It seems to be sterile: I've never found viable seed.

What's this?

Submitted by Lori S. on

As above-zero (celsius, that is) weather has brought the feeling of spring to this area, I was out having a look at the troughs that have melted out of this winter's rather high snowfall. When I post-holed through mid-calf depth snow out to the Opuntia trough, I noticed something I can't identify, nestled into the base of the Townsendia rothrockii. Does anyone recognize it?

My mystery Potentilla

Submitted by Boland on

I have one too Lori! Panayoti should know it as it was collected on Pike's Peak. 5-7 leaflets on a plant about 4-6" tall. I think it might be P. rubricaulis...any confirmation would be most appreciated.

Wyoming wildflower/alpine?

Submitted by Middleton on

When viewing the Townsendia in the trough in Genera, Species, I scrambled to find a photo I’d taken September 1st 2008 in the Big Horns. At the time I wondered if the pretty blue flowers were a Townsendia species or Erigeron species. Not a great photo as it was the end of season and not much was in bloom plus the old digital camera!

Aster yunnanensis ?

Submitted by Boland on

Another mystery....grown as A. yunnanensis and I do believe it is indeed an Aster, but again I can find little info on this species. Looks like A. tongolensis to me....what do others think? Unfortunately I don't have a full plant pic so it may make ID confirmation difficult.

Aster himalaicus ?

Submitted by Boland on

I grew this plant from seed labeled Aster himalaicus. I cannot find much info about this species. I am not even convinced it is an Aster...I think its an Erigeron. The first pic was the first year it blooms (3 years ago), the second pic was taken last is getting pretty big.

Mystery Epimedium

Submitted by Kelaidis on

I usually bury the label of new acquisitions, but I've rummaged around the base of this one and couldn't find one. I suspect I got the plant from the Probst's--does anyone have a clue which of the ten million new epimediums this might be? It's probably a species since I'm basically a species kinda guy...would love it if I could figure it out since it seems to be a keeper...

Sorry I don't have a closer closeup. The flowers are quite tiny--maybe 6-8mm across..