Plant Identification


post an unknown plant and see if others can provide a name

Mystery silene

Submitted by Lori S. on

I planted this as "Silene jenisseensis", but while this plant is supposed to form a hard dome, my did not and was stoloniferous to boot... I pulled it out this spring (and sprigs are still coming up here and there). It blooms in late summer here. Foliage got to about 4" tall, reddish on emergence in spring. Any idea what it actually is?

woodland orchid?

Submitted by Jeremy on

These photos were sent to me by a friend who took them in northern NJ. The plant is 18"tall+- at the edge of a clearing, mesic woods, flowers 1/2", very aromatic. He's visited the plant several times and it seems to be the only one of its kind in the area. The recent intense heat might have done-in the later buds. Flowers open from bottom to top of stalk, and the upper ones are shriveling without opening. Flowers are visited by many small insects.