Plant Identification


post an unknown plant and see if others can provide a name

Artemisia sp - NOT Youngia yoshinoi

Submitted by Mark McD on

At one of our local NARGS Chapter plant sales, I came home with a plant identified as Youngia yoshinoi - rare and endangered species, 40 cm, from NARGS 2006-7 seed exchange. It had nice silvery dissected leaves. Overwintering just fine outdoors, it did not flower in the spring, but the stems elongated and eventually in autumn it flowered. It turns out to be a tall Artemisia species, not Youngia at all. Youngia is an obscure Asian genus, its members sometimes separated or lumped under more familiar genera Prenanthes or Lactuca.

Bright red sprouts! Is this a hemiparasitic species ??

Submitted by Weiser on

I photographed these new shoots emerging at the base of a clump of Whitebark pine(Pinus albicaulis). The location is Alpine County, CA, USA. On the trail from Carson Pass to Winnemucca Lake. We had just passed Frog Lake the elevation was in the region of 8600' (2 621m). I feel it may be a hemiparasitic species due to it's late emergence. This plant was just emerging in late July.
The bright red caught my eye right away.

The second shot is of a sprout that is in leaf and bud.

A Penstemon ID please

Submitted by Middleton on

Does anyone recognize the plant in the photo?

The photo is a close up caption from a photo taken in June of this year and of course it's a bit out of focus!
In 2008 I received a seed package labelled Penstemon caespitosus var albus. When it bloomed this year, I loved the numerous white blooms sitting just above the leaves. It was the eye catcher at the time. But I'm having doubts about its ID. Confident at the time, I sent seed to the Exchanges. I doubt the species name again.

another mystery plant

Submitted by Howey on

Have had this tiny plant quite a while. To give you some idea of its size, it is next to Potentilla tridentata which is also quite miniature - you can see the leaves on the left. Could be some type of Saxifrage or a wee Semp. Any ideas?

Iris family?

Submitted by Middleton on

Caught this bloom a couple of weeks ago. The label was lost during the winter. I would like an identification to compare with my seed germination records. After removing the seed heads more blooms have appeared but each lasts only one day.

Campanula sosnowskyi?

Submitted by Jeremy on

Here is a plant grown from seed from this year's seed exchange as C. sosnowski. I can find scant info about it online, other than it's from the Caucasus, blue, and leaves are deeply incised. These flowers are pale lavender and the leaves are shallowly incised. They are cordate-orbicular at the base and lanceolate and elongated further up. Flowers are about 1/2" across, but as you can see this is blooming in a small pot, having been potted-on only once, so perhaps would be more robust with maturity. (I was surprised to get any blooms at all from seed this year, but I've had several C.

Mystery vine

Submitted by Howey on

Guess I got into the wrong slot - not sure about "poll" with "new topic". This curious vine just emerged one day like the ugly duckling among the chicks. Having failed to send you a picture of it, I'll just describe it - a heart-shaped leaf about two and a half to three inches in length, mottled, sort of shiney and slightly convex. But the main thing about it is the small prickles on the stem as well as the leaf. No flowers yet but vigorous with many tendrils. So I'm waiting. Hope it is something nice. Fran

Frances Howey
London, Ontario, Canada
Zone 5b


Submitted by vanachterberg on

I found this on a rather steep north-facing shaded slope above a brook on my Connecticut property. The two-toned waxy leaves and flowering stalk (now going to seed) look like a Pyrola picta, but since that plant is native to the western U.S., never tried by me--and this is in the wild part of the property, never gardened--could it be Pyrola rotundifolia? My plant's basal leaves are much nicer than any picture I have seen of P. rotundifolia.
Barbara van Achterberg

Unknown allium

Submitted by Lori S. on

Yet another! I seem to have had an amazing lapse in recording what I planted a couple of years ago.
But, boy, did I come to the right place! ;D

Large-ish pale pink flowers; the foliage is starting to get old. I'll add photos of it, if needed.

Many thanks, in advance!