Plant Identification


post an unknown plant and see if others can provide a name

Draba species?

Submitted by Weiser on

I planted seed directly into the garden three years ago. Nothing came up and I lost the tag. Then this last year a draba sprouted but not were I scatered the seed. Must have moved it to it's new sight, when I did some transplanting? Anyway I'd like to ID it.

Seedling ID?

Submitted by Lori S. on

These popped up in a pot seeded with Campanula. Does anyone recognize them? They look sort of Saponaria-ish to me, though that's probably wishful thinking. They don't resemble anything else that I'm growing this year. Thanks in advance for any ideas.

Unknown Corydalis

Submitted by Boland on

I grew this Corydalis from seed. It came as C. panciovulata and it was sent from China. Flora of China does not list this species...not even one with a name that is close (assuming the name was misspelled). I expect it may be biennial but I did let it seed. The plant grew about 45 cm in height so not short at all. It does not have a tuberous root. I'll post it with the remote chance someone might recognize it.

Which Jovibarba?

Submitted by Lori S. on

Which Jovibarba would this be? I'm guessing J. hirta but I know little about these.
All the photos are of the same species. Its winter colour is red, and it's light green in summer. The rosettes get to their maximum size in tufa, which is about 1" (2.5 cm), though most are smaller. Thanks in advance.

Which Agastache species?

Submitted by Lori S. on

I've had this plant out in the front yard for a few years now, where it has been very slow to bulk up... it's some sort of late-blooming Agastache, which I have assumed was A. cana. Is it? What do the Agastache experts say?
It blooms in September/October:

Mystery Bulbs from Seed

I am opening a thread for this, since I seem to have a few of these this year. First... from a packet of seed labeled Moraea pritzeliana, which is not Gynandris pritzeliana, which it clearly is not. I can best key it out as a Babiana ssp. perhaps B. odorata according to the best of my resources, but I cannot smell it ( apparently it should have a violet scent?).

Oenothera ID

Submitted by Mark McD on

I was given this little "evening primrose", an Oenothera species, by gardening friend Marsha Russell who lives nearby. It is rather different than most Oenothera, starting out with the typical rosettes, but then springing with stiff woody stems to about 12", with small cauline leaves along the length, some larger leaves near the top, and sprouting very small bright yellow flowers all summer long.

Unknown Sedum

Submitted by Boland on

I grew this plant as Rhodiola kirilowii but it is certainly a sedum (or hylotelephium) akin to kamstchaticum. The plamnt is about 10-12" tall so much taller than the two cultivars of kamtschaticum I currently have. Anyone recognize it?

Eriogonum ID?

Submitted by Lori S. on

From all the recent discussion about buckwheats, I know I've come to the right place to ask this question! :)

I have been puzzled for some time now about the ID of the Eriogonum that I see in the mountains here. I have thought that they are E. ovalifolium but... are they?