Plant Identification


post an unknown plant and see if others can provide a name

In the bog

Submitted by Howey on

This little plant has segmented runners and the 4/5 petal deep blue flowers bloom on 2 inch stems. The stamens are prominent - made me think of Hebe/Veronica. The basal leaves are 1 inch long, shiny and convex. Fran

Frances Howey
London, Ontario, Canada
Zone 5b

Unknown Pulsatilla

Submitted by Lori S. on

An amazingly cute, but unfortunately anonymous, Pulsatilla that has been in one of my troughs for some years has finally bloomed today. The leaves are very flat - about 1cm tall - and the flower stalks are up to 6-7 cm tall. The flowers are quite a dark purple (in case my photos do not show the same on different monitors). Can anyone identify it, please? I've also posted my query over at SRGC so between here and there, I'm sure to get a name soon! Thanks.

Trillium ID needed

Submitted by Gene Mirro on

I got this as Trillium chloropetalum. It's a western US species or hybrid. It multiplies by bulb offsets, and is very vigorous. Any ideas?

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How do you distinguish between T. albidum and T. chloropetalum?
