General Forum


a forum for any general garden topic or question

Potential trough - just an idea

Submitted by Mark McD on

Not sure why I hadn't thought about this before. While looking to clean up old debris and discarded household paraphernalia behind my garden shed, I'm reminded that I must get rid of an old metal file cabinet. I have tried to dismantle the file cabinet, I even tried my trusty "Mr. Sledgehammer" on it, but it's built like a battleship, so it has sat behind the shed for 4-5 years outside, still as sturdy as ever. Suddenly I had an idea, what if the file cabinet was turned over, open side up, it could become the frame for a large trough!

Mice in the house

Submitted by Howey on

Help! I'm overrun with mice and they have been devastating the indoor plants and seed pots under lights in my basement. At least I no longer hear them scurrying around in the overhead dropped basement ceiling when I sit at the computer to write about it since I started to put out poison - the one that is supposed to dry them up - from the hardware store and every morning they have completely eaten the bowl of it I put out every day. One day I'll probably find a pile of their bones in a burial ground here?? They seem to be night feeders and there must be an awful lot of them.

A new rock garden graces Fort Collins' Gardens on Spring Creek

Submitted by Kelaidis on

Fort Collins is a modest sized University town about an hour north of Denver on Interstate 25: Colorado State University is our "ag" college, and has spawned a great number of really first rate garden centers, two fabulous University "Plant Environmental Resource Centers" open to the public (spectacular displays in summer), and the city has created a botanic garden on ten acres in the heart of the town which promise to be a must see destination for visitors to the town.

Garden Adversity

Submitted by Mark McD on

Adverse Weather
I have wanted to start this topic since spring 2011, but it seems I've not found the time, that is until now. Here I am, sitting in a cold dark house, 3rd day without power, with dim candlelight flickering, but bright Android phone screen, with small but fully capable access to nargs forum.

Seed Permit expired: How to renew?

Submitted by Jeddeloh on

My Small Lots of Seed permit has expired. Does anyone know if there's an easy way to renew it or do I have to apply anew all over again complete with authentication hassle? I know I hadn't logged on to the site in over 400 days but it still seemed to recognize my name. The whole USDA website does not seem designed for easy communication.

Anyone else renewed an expired permit? As per usual the government doesn't make the process clear or easy.

Thank you,


Books on Gardening

Submitted by Mark McD on

While visiting my daughter at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (central Massachusetts) we headed north to the little town of Montague (,_Massachusetts) to an interesting destination; a funky used book store (with restaurant and bar) called the Montague Bookmill. It is situated alongside the scenic Sawmill River in a wooded setting.