General Forum


a forum for any general garden topic or question

Animals without backbones and other life forms

Submitted by Hoy on

You find them wherever you find plants. Insects of course but also spiders, millipedes and centipedes; toadstools and other fungi, and all other beings that belong to nature.

Here are a few as a starter.

This one is called Dyer's polypore or Norway Chicken (don't know why; the Norwegian name is "gulrandkjuke" = yellow rim polypore), (Phaeolus schweinitzii). It causes rot on conifers but this one popped up on a dead rose shrub near a pine stump. The fruiting body developed in a month and then disintegrated into a very colourful slime.

Styrofoam Trough Innovations

Submitted by RickR on

There is the traditional method of fashioning styrofoam boxes to look like troughs:
In a nutshell, a chosen form's surface is roughened in whatever fashion by physically scratching and gouging with a favorite tool, the purpose of which is to mimic natural rock or whatever is desired. The surface is heated to solidify the roughened exterior and prepare it for painting, and then painted. But let the specifics of this method be for another topic. Here I want to show some newer ideas that have emerged since Ian Young first invented the very versatile styrofoam trough concept.

Eco Gardens

Submitted by Saori on


Does anyone happen to know if Eco Gardens (Don Jacobs) is still in business? I have been trying to get a hold of him on and off for over a year, and have had no response... Just curious, as I was hoping to order some things from him.

Looking for info on the Bearstooth Mountains, Montana

Submitted by Boland on

I was thinking of making a trip to the Bearstooth Mountains this summer when I visit by brother in southern Alberta. Can anyone give suggestions as to the best time of the year? I heard that Highway 212 takes you through the mountains and into the alpine zones, but I have no idea when would be the best time. Any info would be most helpful, along with any other suggested areas nearby.

Weather 2012

Submitted by cohan on

Off to a chilly start here-- we got to somewhere below -24C/-11F overnight; -18C at noon, going to -13C /8Fthis afternoon! But this is the only cold day this week- back up over night, and +7C /45F tomorrow! Rest of the week from -2 to +9! Normals are -7C day -19C night. We've been mostly above normal since early December..