General Forum


a forum for any general garden topic or question

Books on Gardening

Submitted by Mark McD on

While visiting my daughter at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (central Massachusetts) we headed north to the little town of Montague (,_Massachusetts) to an interesting destination; a funky used book store (with restaurant and bar) called the Montague Bookmill. It is situated alongside the scenic Sawmill River in a wooded setting.

Help with Photographs?

Submitted by Kristl on

Hi All,

Is anyone able to help with pictures---or undertake to photograph the following????
These will ultimately go into my book on native species of eastern Canada (from a sexual propagation perspective).
Obviously you will receive credit. Unfortunately I am not able to pay for the photographs.
Photos need to be high (print) quality.
I am looking for the species, not hybrids/forms.
The "body parts" required are noted.

John Weiser

Submitted by HughGmail on

Hello all;

Those of you who know John will want to know that he suffered a minor (any such thing?) heart attack earlier this week. John is recovering and should be home Monday. If you want to send him a message, his email address is [email protected]


Potentilla dilemma

Submitted by cohan on

I have a Potentilla in my garden which I collected in B.C. when I was in my teens, and grew in my rock garden for a few years till I left home; when I moved back, there was no sign of the plant (or most others of course, with a couple decades of neglect--it was mostly weeds, grass and native plants grown in), but after I redug parts of the garden, it reappeared presumably from seed..

Ranunculus 2011

Submitted by Lori S. on

If I start this, will anyone else join in? I hope so!
I suppose one of the disadvantages of participating on forums from the relatively far north is that everyone else's specimens have already bloomed!) Oh well, one can but try... :)

Nice plant in a bad place...

Submitted by Lori S. on

I think I know what this is, but does anyone care to guess? I had a good-sized colony of this some time ago, that seeded around a bit. I'm not sure if these seedlings got out in this area along the sidewalk on their own (from fine dust-like seeds blowing around) or in the roots of some other plant I moved, but it looks like a flower is imminent on one of them.
If they are what I think they are, how to protect them from the assorted vandals, visigoths and rampaging huns that use the sidewalk daily? The land mines aren't working... ;D