Seed Exchange NEWS

Seedlist cover photo of Lewisiopsis tweedyi

The 2023-2024 Seed Exchange is now CLOSED! The remaining seed was divided up and sent to the Chapters that requested a portion.

Please start collecting seed for the 2024-2025 Seed Exchange as soon as they ripen. Information on donating seed will be in the Summer (July) issue of the Rock Garden Quarterly and can be found on the Seed Donation Instructions page.

Check out Seed Exchange Helpful Links for links to websites and articles about seed identification, seed cleaning, and seed germination. You can view the previous year's lists on the  Past Years Seed Lists page.

If you have any questions/comments regarding the Seed Exchange send a message to the Seed Exchange Director and/or Intake Manager using the Contact Us link in the top menu - Category: Seed Exchange or Seed Import Support