Plant of the Month for Jan 2019

Primula halleri

General Description:

This species is a member of the Farinosae group, characterized by having a low rosette of smooth leaves that are heavily covered in grey-white farina.  Leafless flower stems reach 10-15 cm, topped with a cluster of pink flowers in early to late spring (cultivation) or early summer in the wild.  This species is native from the Alps of NW Italy to the Carpathian Mountains, Balkans, Armenia and east to the Caucasus, growing in tufty alpine meadows and moist cracks, on both limestone and acidic substrates.


This primrose prefers evenly moist, humus-rich soil that is well-drained, especially in winter. It will not tolerate drought.  Morning sun is best, with shade from mid-day sun.  It is ideal for troughs or alpine pots.  This species is generally short-lived so saving seed is recommended.

Blooming Season:

In cultivation, this species blooms from early spring in the south to late spring in the north.


Seed, division


Rarely a plant may produce enough multiple rosetes that division is possible.


Seeding is the standard way to propagate this species. Fresh seed may germinate without a stratification period but generally a stratification period of 6-8 weeks is best.



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