General Forum


a forum for any general garden topic or question

2010 Eastern Winter Study Weekend

Submitted by Orlowski on

I just got home from Devens. I had a wonderful time and was happy to meet many members. Unfortunately, there were still many I never got to talk to. Hopefully next time!
Thank you to Mark McDonough for your talk on this forum. I wish more people attended that segment. If I didn't know the Wiki and the Forum was here, I'm sure many many others don't. I will make sure to talk about it at my next chapter meeting.

Gardening activities of late?

Submitted by Lori S. on

As the weather here has been spring-like for the last 10 days or so (ha! we're not fooled!* ;D), the snow melt has proceeded rapidly. We spent a very pleasant few hours over the last couple of days cleaning up the troughs, and cutting down perennials in the front yard (the back yard is largely still snowed in, in this second very snowy winter in a row). Now, of course, the backs of my legs and hamstrings are tight as guitar strings from bending over. (And this, despite that I exercise regularly... it just ain't fair!) Have to hobble down the basement stairs to tend my seedlings...