2010 Eastern Winter Study Weekend

Submitted by Orlowski on

I just got home from Devens. I had a wonderful time and was happy to meet many members. Unfortunately, there were still many I never got to talk to. Hopefully next time!
Thank you to Mark McDonough for your talk on this forum. I wish more people attended that segment. If I didn't know the Wiki and the Forum was here, I'm sure many many others don't. I will make sure to talk about it at my next chapter meeting.
RickR, if you happen to read this, I was talking about you. I met a lady who knows you and everyone from the Rare, Unusual, and Named exchange. I missed you being part of the swap this year. I had lots of neat seeds I sent in too.


Submitted by Mark McD on Sun, 03/21/2010 - 20:21

Remy wrote:

I just got home from Devens. I had a wonderful time and was happy to meet many members. Unfortunately, there were still many I never got to talk to. Hopefully next time!
Thank you to Mark McDonough for your talk on this forum. I wish more people attended that segment. If I didn't know the Wiki and the Forum was here, I'm sure many many others don't. I will make sure to talk about it at my next chapter meeting.
RickR, if you happen to read this, I was talking about you. I met a lady who knows you and everyone from the Rare, Unusual, and Named exchange. I missed you being part of the swap this year. I had lots of neat seeds I sent in too.

Remy, I'm so happy that the brief presentation on the NARGS Wiki by Jeremy Franceschi and my even shorter presentation on the NARGS Forum, helped to get you over here to the NARGS Forum with your very first posting... HURRAH!  Yes, please do mention it at your next chapter meeting, as I believe the best way for the NARGS Forum to grow into a vital NARGS rock gardening community, is by spreading the gospel by word or mouth.  Welcome aboard!  :D

Submitted by RickR on Sun, 03/21/2010 - 20:59

Glad to see you here, Remy!  After a summer of trying to avoid back surgery, I finally had minor surgery done in late fall, then Mom broke her leg, and it seems one family matter after another has kept me from my "normal" routine on the "All Plants, All the Time" channel.  I have SO many seeds yet yet to plant...

Yes, I am well known in my Chapter, but I can't think of anyone who would overlap with that GW seed Ex, other than Julie.  Who would that be?

Regarding publicizing this forum and the wiki, I've already written a couple short blurbs in our Chapter newsletters, extolling the greatness of participants here, and the quality thereof.  I couldn't be happier with how things are progressing, except I just want everyone to come see!

Submitted by HughGmail on Mon, 03/22/2010 - 06:52

Being somewhat familiar with both the wiki and the forum, I plan on writing a blurb for my chapter (Rocky Mountain) newsletter.  I believe that I and another contributing member can drum up some interest!  Besides, I have a vested interest in both of these entities.

Happy gardening -

Submitted by Orlowski on Mon, 03/22/2010 - 08:53

Thank you for the welcome and for mentioning Jeremy. I was having a memory blank when I was typing before, and I should of remembered Remy - Jeremy, duh! Plus we talked after he was done about how we both loved campanulas.

It was Mary S. She spoke at the board meeting about the seed filling the Minnesota chapter did, and then I knew she would know all of you. So I went and introduced myself. She lamented on moving from her garden and now being in a retirement home. We also talked about Julie. I had written to Julie in Nov. about the swap, and things seemed fine. Then she dropped out of running the swap because of family issues. I knew something was wrong. Mary told me Julie's husband is not well :(

I spoke with Randy a few times. He was very nice. He asked about me coming to the meeting in July. He did a wonderful job of making it look like a must go trip. I unfortunately can not go because of my business. In mid-July, my plants especially all the pots could croak, and I need the seeds. My nephews are not old enough yet to be left alone to take care of things.
You were mentioned many times during the weekend. Everyone thinks you have done a fantastic job!

Submitted by Mark McD on Mon, 03/22/2010 - 08:59

Hugh wrote:

Being somewhat familiar with both the wiki and the forum, I plan on writing a blurb for my chapter (Rocky Mountain) newsletter.  I believe that I and another contributing member can drum up some interest!  Besides, I have a vested interest in both of these entities.

Happy gardening -

It might also be worthwhile, when opportunity presents itself when attending a NARGS chapter meeting, to do more live demos of NARGS website as a whole, the NARGS Wiki, and NARGS Forum.  I for one, have been concentrating on NARGS Forum recently and have not spent as much time exploring the other resources being built into the NARGS site as a whole, so it was great to see Jeremy's presentation on the NARGS Wiki, as I didn't realize so much effort has gone into setting the groundwork for what will surely become one of the greatest resources on rock gardening on the internet. 

Another thing I'll be working on, is trying to get people moved on over to the NARGS Forum, one by one. :D

Submitted by RickR on Mon, 03/22/2010 - 12:13

Mark, what a great idea, demonstrating at a Chapter meeting, letting them actually see what it is all about.  Gee, with all the great pics everyone has been posting, how can anyone resist?  Even if they aren't NARGS members (yet), they can at least peak in and lurk.

Already we miss Mary S. greatly.  But we are all happy for her, now in WI with more family.