5) Dianthus, Lychnis, Silene and other Caryophyllaceae

Dianthus microlepis & myrtinervius ID question.

Submitted by PlantMatt on
I got Dianthus microlepis and Dianthus myrtinervius ssp caespitosus from this years seed exchange (#731, #735). Looking at other pictures of these online to compare, I noticed that my D. microlepis and D. myrtinervius leaves do not look the same as the images. Are these leaves normal for their species or are they mislabeled/misidentified?

Progress on my Dianthus

Submitted by RDrzyzgula on

Earlier I posted a photo of a D. Alpinus that flowered shortly after germinating. I tried to save it, but that plant did not survive being planted out in the bed. However, two others are thriving. They do have some obvious differences, though -- one has thinner, spikier leaves than the other. I've also grown some D. Arenarius, again with a little variation, with one having longer leaves than the other four. The other two I've pictured here are from a "Dianthus Mix" mystery packet. I've gotten five different varieties out of it but I've shown here two of the more interesting.


Submitted by RDrzyzgula on

I'm soon to plant out a bunch of Dianthus seedlings that I have been growing this Winter. I'm thinking of starting a crevice garden with some of these in this or another bed, but I wanted to simply grow these plants for a year to get to know their habit first. The soil that is currently in the bed is a mixture of commercial soils and ammendments put in by the landscaper. It drains well and is neutral to very slightly acid. My plan, though, is to add another two to three inches of soil to the top (it's settled quite a bit).

Dianthus Alpinus

Submitted by RDrzyzgula on

Hello. New member here, my first post. I'm growing out a number of Dianthus seeds that I recently purchased. I have a few of what are supposed to be Dianthus Alpinus. A few days ago, one of them, now about 3/4" tall, started to develop what appeared to be mishappen/discolored leaves. Today they had developed enough that it was clear that no, it is flowering. Does this look right?


Which Arenaria?

Submitted by Broekhuis on

My seed for Arenaria tetraquetra from the 2013/2014 seedex gave me plants with woolly oval leaves. Quite interesting, but not at all like photos of the species that I've found online. It recently started blooming, with flowers much like those of A. grandiflora, so I think the genus might be correct. But which species?

My page about it is here: http://www.robsplants.com/plants/ArenaTetra

A few representative photos:

Silene serpentinicola

Submitted by Longma on

Can anyone advise please if this species, when grown under 'garden' conditions, becomes somewhat 'weedy' and invasive?

[Moderator note:
Longma, I edited the species name from Silene serpenticola to Silene serpentinicola... if that's incorrect, please let me know. - Lori]

Silene plankii

Submitted by Kelaidis on

A rather obscure and rare little Silene from New Mexico: this started blooming for me this week. Now if it would only open a lot of flowers at once!

It is a good thing in an alpine plant to bloom in late July! Especially with such bright red color (and cute anthers)...

Gypsophila sphaerocephala

Submitted by Mark McD on

I received seed of Gypsophila sphaerocephala back in 1999 from HBG, the botanic garden in Gothenburg Sweden. For 13 years, it has been growing in this semi-plunged pot, exposed to all weather. It is virtually a sub-shrub, a tiny woody cushion, with very fine leaves. It was collected from Ala Dag, Turkey, 2800 m. Every year it sends up a few flower stalks with microscopic flowers, an utter disappointment in the flower department.

Minuartia austromontana

Submitted by Lori S. on

Now here's an odd Caryophyllaceae... Minuartia austromontana.
I always enjoy seeing it though it's hardly the showiest in its family or even in its genus, as this species usually lacks petals, or if they are present, they tend to be rudimentary and shorter than the pointed sepals (Moss & Packer). Nonetheless, it forms an elegant and understated little chartreuse cushion that is probably overlooked much more often than it's noticed.