anacantha | without spines |
anacanthus | without spines |
anemophila | wind-loving |
anemophilus | wind-loving |
angulosa | with corners, prominent ridges |
angulosus | with corners, prominent ridges |
angustata | narrowed |
angustatus | narrowed |
angustifoliata | narrow leaves |
angustifoliatus | narrow leaves |
annua | annual |
annularis | ring shaped, ringed |
annuus | annual |
anopetala | petals ascending |
anopetalus | petals ascending |
anosma | unscented |
anosmus | unscented |
anserina | belonging to geese |
anserinus | belonging to geese |
anthopogon | bearded flower |
anthracina | the color of coal |
anthracinus | the color of coal |
aperta | open |
apertus | open |
apetala | without petals |