Eomecon chionantha

Submitted by Peter George on

I have a pot of this lovely plant and I'm considering where to place it. I have plenty of woodland areas, but I also have some shady areas around the house, and a lot of borders along the 800 plus feet of stone wall.


Submitted by RickR on Thu, 09/23/2010 - 19:55

Not surprising, this one didn't even last the first winter for me in zone 4.

Submitted by Mark McD on Thu, 09/23/2010 - 20:19

Submitted by Hoy on Fri, 09/24/2010 - 01:34

I had this very lovely plant for several years but it eventually was swamped by other plants. I was too late to take action. Now I am looking for seed or plants. I want it back!
When growing in a shady woodland it was quite happy but other, bigger plants took command when I neglected it for some time.

Submitted by Boland on Fri, 09/24/2010 - 09:15

I never heard of it either....it should survive here if given a chance.  Well worth trying to track down.

Submitted by Gene Mirro on Wed, 12/01/2010 - 22:28

It spreads like a weed in the Pacific NW, by underground stems.  I would like to try some from seed, but I've never seen the seed offered.  I grow it in full sun, but my climate is quite cool, even for this region.  It definitely needs water until mid to late summer.

Submitted by Mark McD on Wed, 12/01/2010 - 22:33

I received a plant of this species late summer, and planted it.  We'll have to see how it does over the winter, I'm hoping for the best.

Submitted by Toole on Thu, 12/02/2010 - 00:31

I don't grow it myself in our woodland garden however it grows well in Southwest Scotland.
Pic taken about 6 weeks ago during our UK visit.

Cheers Dave

Submitted by Hoy on Thu, 12/02/2010 - 09:48

Toole wrote:

I don't grow it myself in our woodland garden however it grows well in Southwest Scotland.
Pic taken about 6 weeks ago during our UK visit.

Cheers Dave

Who can't love a plant like that?

Submitted by Woodard on Thu, 12/02/2010 - 12:04

I like it. How long do the leaves usually persist (through summer?)?