By the 1000... Hieracium spp.

Submitted by Hoy on

Hieracium is a huge genus in Norway with many 1000 mostly apomictic species.
Here is one common representative of Hieracium alpinum (coll.)
This one grows on dry places often with lichens.


Submitted by Hoy on Mon, 07/26/2010 - 06:36

A little different one.

Submitted by Boland on Mon, 07/26/2010 - 10:17

The landscape could pass for northern Newfoundland!  Even moreso, Greenland!  I see you have lots of Arctous alpina in that area...must be fantastic when they are in their brilliant red fall colour.

We have a couple of native Hieracium but they are larger, more woodland types.  The vast majority of ours are weedy species from your parts of the world!

Submitted by Hoy on Mon, 07/26/2010 - 13:01

Todd wrote:

The landscape could pass for northern Newfoundland!  Even moreso, Greenland!  I see you have lots of Arctous alpina in that area...must be fantastic when they are in their brilliant red fall colour.

We have a couple of native Hieracium but they are larger, more woodland types.  The vast majority of ours are weedy species from your parts of the world!

Yes, Arctous alpina (syn. Arctostaphylos a.) is very common here but you have to hit the right weeks to experience the best colors.

You are welcome to the Hieraciums! We have got our share of some of your plants!

Submitted by Hoy on Thu, 07/29/2010 - 04:19

A third one, only 997 to go.

Submitted by IMYoung on Thu, 07/29/2010 - 06:31

Hoy wrote:

A third one, only 997 to go.

Okay, Trond, I have two flasks of coffee and a packet of biscuits.......I'm ready for the next few hundred......

M ;)

Submitted by Hoy on Thu, 07/29/2010 - 06:53

You have to wait a long while, Margaret, I haven't photos of all of them! But I could use the same plant from different angles, you probably wouldn't know it, I don't. They are so similar.

Submitted by IMYoung on Thu, 07/29/2010 - 10:40

Hoy wrote:

You have to wait a long while, Margaret, I haven't photos of all of them! But I could use the same plant from different angles, you probably wouldn't know it, I don't. They are so similar.

Okay..... you're right, I may not be any the wiser... I'd enjoy the coffee break anyhow! No better way to enjoy a browse around the forum ;D

Submitted by Hoy on Thu, 07/29/2010 - 12:12

Well Maggie, if I ever take pictures of all Norwegian  Hieraciums I'll give you a warning so you can brew enough coffee and bake biscuits. Don't be impatient, I have no immediate plans. (I would rather take pictures of Townsendia.)

Submitted by IMYoung on Thu, 07/29/2010 - 12:38

I'd find it hard to make a case that the  Hieraciums are cuter than the Townsendias pictured lately (or linked ) in the Forum, Trond .... that's for sure.... but your photos were appreciated just the same! 

Submitted by Hoy on Thu, 07/29/2010 - 13:50

Thanks! But I also implied that it had been more exciting for me to find Townsendia (have never seen it in the wild) - that had meant that I was abroad! Hieraciums have I seen by 10000!

Submitted by IMYoung on Thu, 07/29/2010 - 14:33

I know, I've never seen Townsendia in the wild either....I hope you do travel and when you do see it, take pictures for me  too, please!!