Tulips in summer!

Submitted by Boland on

As a testiment to this late spring I still have tulips open in summer (June 21)...this is a T. sprengeri hybrid known as Little Princess, know for its late blooms. There are still some single late tulip hybrids blooming in the garden as well.


Submitted by Mark McD on Mon, 06/21/2010 - 21:17

Todd wrote:

As a testiment to this late spring I still have tulips open in summer (June 21)...this is a T. sprengeri hybrid known as Little Princess, know for its late blooms.  There are still some single late tulip hybrids blooming in the garden as well.

Todd, amazing to have Tulipa blooming this late in the season, I guess you folks really are that far behind. It is also amazing to me, because you are 3 weeks behind, and here in Massachusetts USA we are 32-3 weeks ahead of normal, yet we're actually not that far apart geographically!

Now, I'm no tulip expect, and I really like 'Little Princess'; I can only go by what others have said of this species, but I haven't heard that T. sprengeri is involved with its lineage. What I found out about it on the web (originally from the Hoog & Dix site), I reiterated in my posting of photos on this Tulipa on the Pacfic Bulb Society site that this is T. hageri and T. aucheriana:  http://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/TulipaHybrids

I have seed of Tulipa clusiana 'Lady Jane" that is plump and ripe for sowing, this species among the last to bloom here.  All others are totally underground long ago  :)

Submitted by Lori S. on Mon, 06/21/2010 - 21:36

Todd, I still have the odd straggler tulip in bloom as well... I consider it a testament to this really wretched climate!  ;D ;D

Submitted by Hoy on Tue, 06/22/2010 - 01:03

Sorry, no tulips here either, they have all gone dormant. Even although the weather is very cold and has been all spring but we have lots of sun. Cold, dry, sunny weather  - it is not what it used to be.

Submitted by Boland on Tue, 06/22/2010 - 18:16

You are correct Mark...I knew it was a hageri hybrid....must have been a seniors moment.

Submitted by Mark McD on Tue, 06/22/2010 - 21:06

Todd wrote:

You are correct Mark...I knew it was a hageri hybrid....must have been a seniors moment.

Don't worry about it Todd, I have senior moments daily ;D