Howdy from Syracuse, NY

Submitted by HeLP on

Ok I'm going to hop on in here and introduce myself. A member of NARGS for four or five years now, initially the Berkshire Chapter, but moved two years ago and now in the Adirondack Chapter. A complete garden novice and still not experienced enough to differentiate between a good idea and a totally outrageous adventure in gardening. I want to attempt all gardening types, genre, except monoculture and chemically dependent.

I am totally overwhelmed by the whole alpine/rock garden experience and very excited at the prospect of learning more so keep on postin'


Submitted by Mark McD on Wed, 03/31/2010 - 11:52

Hi Harold, 

Glad you made it over here to NARGS Forum!  Great meeting up with you again at the NARGS Eastern WSW, that was a fun event, good food, good conversation, and good presentations.  I think you're too modest in your introduction, you certainly know way more than I do on ferns, and many other plants I'm sure.  I need to know more about ferns, only recently started growing some of them, and based on some initial success, think I need many more ferns in the garden.  But I'm such a fern-newbie, that I will look to you and other experienced "ferners" (<--- is there such a term?) to help guide the way.  Feel free to start a message thread on ferns, in the Woodlanders sections.  And maybe you'll tell us about some of those totally outrageous adverntures in gardening ;D

Welcome aboard,

Mark, in flooded Massachusetts

Submitted by RickR on Wed, 03/31/2010 - 20:26

Hello Harold,

Welcome to the forum! I feel very fortunate to converse with such well known, learned members who post here.  And me, also being a "fern newbie," look forward to such postings.
Thanks for introducing yourself.

Submitted by Boland on Thu, 04/15/2010 - 16:54

Welcome Harold!  I may not be a newbie, but I'm always learning!  Great to get others perspectives on the garden and plants in you a new field of view!

Submitted by McGregorUS on Sat, 04/17/2010 - 09:41

Hi Harold

Just catching up with a lot of what's been posted in the last few weeks. It doesn't matter how long you've been rock gardening - you go on learning all the time. I've just been building a sandbed with about two and a half tons of sand - no soil or peat added - I'll post some pictures when I get a moment . I tried a smaller one a couple of years ago and that worked so well its got scaled up. Still when you start out it's such fun because there is so much you can try growing for the first time.