Preparing a flower bed for dryland Penstemons in US east

Submitted by sf2bos2prov on

I'm here in Boston and want to start thinking about how to provide the drainage that many Penstemon species need since I don't yet have a rock garden.  I've had reasonable luck with some of the eastern species in my regular (fairly rich) garden soil but now want to try my hand at some of the western species as well.  Can I possibly provide the drainage and thinnish soil that the Penstemon need by digging in a good amount of pea stone/gravel to my regular soil in those beds where I want to grow them?


Submitted by Fermi on Sat, 12/22/2018 - 06:09

It may be worth building up the soil level or using a raised bed to improve drainage.

Have you thought of trying a crevice bed?

