What do you see in your garden, 2018?

Submitted by Cockcroft on

The weather has been erratic, to say the least.  Two weeks ago we had graupel, then the temperature dipped to 22° with highs never reaching 40°.  Today it is in the 60s.  Poor plants don't know what to do.

Hepaticas have been in bloom for a while.  Primulas are just starting.  Pseudotrillium rivale in pots is waking up.  Erythronium albidum is the first to flower.



Claire, a lovely start to 2018. Here all that I see is snow, from a 2 foot Nor'easter (coastal wind driven snowstorm) last week, tonight (3/12/2018) another Nor'easter arrives, expecting another 18" snow.

Submitted by rodlutes on Sat, 03/17/2018 - 05:51

I see the same thing that Mark McD sees.  Everything is covered with snow.  At least I am able to get some skiing in and the Seedex seeds that are out for cold stratification have a snow cover.

Submitted by Hoy on Sun, 03/18/2018 - 13:18

It is a very late spring here (at the west coast of Norway) this year with temperature well below 0C during nighttime but a few spring flowers have put up their heads. 


Nice, Trond.  Most mornings have frost here, with some sun during the day.  Spring has not yet sprung, but I will not gripe when I read about the US East Coast!


Hi Claire, 

I've read about the US East Coast too! It is something similar at the east coast here.

Seems at last that the spring has sprung where I live. We will not see night frost during the next 10 days! 


Submitted by RickR on Wed, 03/21/2018 - 15:28

In reply to by Hoy

Today I called US customs in Washington D.C. to get info I couldn't find on their website.

  All Federal offices are closed due to the weather!

After a week of weather 10 degrees below normal, with hail and rain mixed with snow, the temperatures warmed up and the plants responded.

  Erythronium californicum  

  Erythronium americanum

  Trillium chloropetalum

  Trillium pusillium


Nice plants Claire and Hoy. I am happy that gardeners started posting pictures now. I cant wait to show my garden but the weather is really cold and still  lots of snow



Submitted by tropicalgirl25… on Wed, 04/25/2018 - 21:15

My first flower in the woodland. Adonis amurensis.

Submitted by tropicalgirl25… on Thu, 04/26/2018 - 14:05

Thanks Claire


Submitted by tropicalgirl25… on Sun, 04/29/2018 - 19:29

Hepatica transsilvanica and Hepatica nobilis  in the garden.

Submitted by rodlutes on Mon, 04/30/2018 - 06:42

I also have Hepatica nobilis in bloom, as well as a couple of Iris reticulata.


Rod your zone is 5 . Yes this year the hepaticas are starting early for us at Zone 3.

Couple of more pictures taken today.


Astragalus lutosus shoots just emerging

Townsendia leptotes in bud

Submitted by RickR on Mon, 04/30/2018 - 19:45

What is happening that you can't upload a second image?

Can you take a screen shot of the problem?

 Rick I will try to post today once I take some picturs.

Most probably the problem on my end  and I will get assistance at homesmiley

Townsendia leptotes  closed  when cloudy and open when the sun is out .

1.Townsendia leptotes closed

2. Townsendia leptotes open

On this side of the world it's autumn but we have narcissus in flower!

Narcissus 'First Stanza' a hybrid raised by Lawrence Trevanion in Canberra by crossing N. elegans fallax x N. 'Soleil d'Or'

Narcissus 'First StanzaNarcissus 'First StanzaNarcissus 'First Stanza

Another of his hybrids N '07-02 T' from Narcissus tazetta lacticolor x N. elegans, a good one for the rock garden as it is quite small. The cups are intially an olive color and develop into orange after a day or so,

Narcissus 07-02 T Narcissus 07-02 T Narcissus 07-02 T just open

A little tazetta grown from seed sent by Betty Clark in New Zealand as "N. tazetta patulus (or ochroleucus)", sadly the molluscs found it before I did!

Narcissus tazetta patulusNarcissus tazetta patulusNarcissus tazetta patulus a bit chewed

The classic autumn narcissus, N. viridiflorus

Narcissus viridiflorusNarcissus viridiflorus



Narcissus 'First Stanza
Narcissus 07-02 T
Narcissus 07-02 T
Narcissus 07-02 T just open
Narcissus tazetta patulus
Narcissus tazetta patulus
Narcissus tazetta patulus a bit chewed
Narcissus viridiflorus
Narcissus viridiflorus
Narcissus 'First Stanza
Narcissus 'First Stanza

Lovely, Fermi.  I'd love to be able to grow narcissus -- they don't mind my climate -- but the bulb fly is too persistent.  Thanks for sharing.



I know your pain - we have the lesser narcissus fly which can be responsible for the disappearance of some bulbs each year!frown

Another susceptible genus is of course galanthus, but this tiny Galanthus peshmenii has escaped so far!

Galanthus peshmenii in budGalanthus peshmeniiGalanthus peshmeniiGalanthus peshmenii



Galanthus peshmenii in bud
Galanthus peshmenii
Galanthus peshmenii
Galanthus peshmenii

Submitted by Cockcroft on Wed, 05/23/2018 - 10:52

In reply to by Fermi

We have both the large and small narcissus fly here.  The galanthus seem to tolerate their depredations.  Any amaryllis is doomed almost immediately.  Boo and hiss!


not very successful in growing the beautiful narcissus in my zone.

here are some pictures taken yesterday from my garden

1.Gentiana verna

2.Pulsatilla sp

3.Rananculus parnassifolius

Garden colors are really heating up, along with the weather.

Penstemon cardwellii x rupicola, Globularia meridionalis, Clintonia umbellulata, Nomocharis x finleyorum





Yum.  Phyteuma are a favorite of mine.  The only problem I have with them is when a wild rabbit nips the flowers off!  Liquid Fence works wonders if I remember to apply it.  frown


Also currently blooming 2 versions of nectaroscordum.

First is N tripedale

Second is N siculum bulgaricum

(Edited to reverse the order - I initially posted them backwards!)


Some offerings from our garden in the fall/winter

Oxalis massoniana

Oxalis massonianaOxalis massoniana

Oxalis hirta seedlings

Oxalis hirta seedlings

White "Hoop Petticoat" Daffodils

Narcissus "white hybrid hoop"Narcissus "white hybrid hoop"Narcissus "white hybrid hoop"Narcissus "white hybrid hoop"Narcissus "white hybrid hoop"



Oxalis massoniana
Oxalis massoniana
Oxalis hirta seedlings
Narcissus "white hybrid hoop"
Narcissus "white hybrid hoop"
Narcissus "white hybrid hoop"
Narcissus "white hybrid hoop"
Narcissus "white hybrid hoop"