Seeing SeedEx order on line

Submitted by RPavlis on

How do you go and see your 2015 seedex order on line?



Submitted by hepatica on Thu, 01/14/2016 - 08:44

Hi Robert,

To see the list of seeds you ordered this year, you can go to your user page - by clicking your username in the upper right-hand corner of any page of this website (must be logged in). Then look for the “Seedex Order - Main Round” box down below the yellow section and click on “2015 Seed Exchange Order” (it doesn't look like a link but it is). 




Submitted by Fermi on Sat, 04/23/2016 - 19:27

In reply to by hepatica


To see the list of seeds you ordered this year, you can go to your user page - by clicking your username in the upper right-hand corner of any page of this website (must be logged in). Then look for the “Seedex Order - Main Round” box down below the yellow section and click on “2015 Seed Exchange Order” (it doesn't look like a link but it is). 




Hi Laura,

When I tried to do that to check what I'd ordered for the surplus seed round I got a message to say that I wasn't authorized to view it!

Hope you can help or at least authorize me to view itcheeky



Submitted by RickR on Tue, 08/16/2016 - 08:54

I had hoped someone in the know could come up with an answer, but I guess no.  More than a year ago (before this thread), there use to be a work around involving several steps that were not intuitive, but even that doesn't work now.

Some of my moderator privileges have been inexplicably stripped, too.  A minor item, believe it or not, considering the myriad of errors in this forum's system.  (By the way, the only thing reliable about the search function is that you are sure that all results will not be found.)  For accessing orders, the multiple clicking scenarios I've tried all come up with the same "access denied" result, even for me as moderator, and with both IE and Firefox.  With such limited resources that the NARGS organization has, the priorities are set as they must be, and this is likely near the bottom of the list.  While there still were clickable items in the scenarios aforementioned that did not show up as clickable, Laura's explanation didn't jive with what I see on my screens, and all my attempts began by clicking on the "Orders" tab.  Even just to get there, I need to re-establish my user id and password.

I think the only way is to have Laura get the information for you, as she would have the access to our own accounts that none of us do (!). angry

Be sure to have the order number and order ID found by clicking here, here or here:

I don't believe there is anyone "at the helm" now that can provide the Drupal support necessary to resolve issues with NARGS web & forum, it's essentially on cruise control and whatever is broken is likely to stay broken. There is a bigger question at hand, about what to do with the NARGS website and forum, although with this too, doesn't seem to much going on with it.


This doesn't get many marks out of ten then? Posted by Ben Barr on 25 November 2012:-


A new website for

You may have noticed from reading the Bulletin Board that the Internet Committee is pursuing the development of a new website for

The most important features of the proposed new site are the following:

Drupal Content Management System
Improved User Interface
Non-technical editorial control
Enhanced navigation and ease of use
Updated and enhanced visual design
Single User Login
Enhanced e-commerce
Integrated Membership Database
Join and Renewal On-line
Members Update Profiles
Enhanced RG Quarterly Page
Event Calendar

For a more complete discussion of the process and an up to date list of features, go is external).


It's been a complete shambles since then and it's an utter shambles now. The only good personal factor that I can see is that I never did get round to joining NARGS and therefor I'm not entitled to moan about all the resources, both human and financial, that have been wasted in this deplorable shambles.

Submitted by HeLP on Mon, 09/12/2016 - 07:12

In reply to by hepatica

Hi Laura,


Just tried to access my 2015 seed order just to see.  I know it worked after my order, but now gives a message "Access Denies"