Seed offer

Submitted by RickR on

Well I could kick myself for not getting my seed ready in time to donate to the seed ex, but that wouldn't help anything, would it!  So if anyone would like anything from this list, send me an email.


Allium moly

Bouteloua curtipendula wild collected Washington County, Minnesota

Bouteloua hirsuta wild collected Washington County, Minnesota

Chaemechrista fasiculata wild collected Washington County, Minnesota - annual

Dalea villosa wild collected Washington County, Minnesota

Dirca palustris - moist packed

Humulus japonica variegata - annual

Iris typhifolia

Leibnitzia anandria - sexually produced seed

Liatris punctata wild collected Washington County, Minnesota

Peltoboykinia watanabei

Penstemon grandiflorus ex Isanti County, Minnesota

Phemeranthus calycinus

Phemeranthus parviflorus - southwest USA form

Plantago patagonica wild collected Washington County, Minnesota - annual

Ptilostemon afer

Ruellia humilis

Thalictrum dasycarpum

Thalictrum minus 'Andiantifolium'/var. hypoleucum

Thermopsis fabacea


Submitted by Cockcroft on Sun, 12/20/2015 - 12:46

Join the club, Rick.  Life does seem to get in the way of fun, doesn't it?  I, too, am guilty of procrastination and did not send seeds to the Seed Exchange.  If anyone is interested in the following, send me email:

Brimeura amethystina (mixed, blue and white)

Codonopsis ovata -- the real thing

Dachtylorhiza fuchsii hybrids

Erythronium revolutum

Meconopsis horridula

Meconopsis x sheldonii (the fertile blue group)

Paeonia daurica ssp. mlokosewitschii

Paeonia mascula

Paris quadrifolia

Penstemon euglaucus

Yet another packet of seeds from this year: Freesia viridis.  Send email if you would like something different and a little strange.
