Photo of the day - 2015

Submitted by Lori S. on

A nice little rock garden in northern Banff N.P. - a small subalpine fir, Abies lasiocarpa, managing to hang on in a sheltered spot above treeline, with Sedum lanceolatum and Erigeron aureus:


Submitted by Lori S. on Sat, 01/31/2015 - 11:22

Alpine tundra in northern Banff N.P.:


Many small grasses... and two birds on the left side of the boulder, water pipits, well camouflaged:


Submitted by Steve Newall on Fri, 04/03/2015 - 01:51

Photo from a stroll on Monday

Vegetable sheep (Raoulia eximia) and an animal sheep (Merino)

Been waiting awhile to record the two together


Submitted by Steve Newall on Tue, 04/14/2015 - 15:22

Was in Tapanui , West Otago yesterday . The town is being americanised for the filming of Pete's Dragon starring Robert Redford and Karl Urban . The zip code 10651 doesn't exist in the US (must be a special one for movies?!) but 10650 is in New York state and I think Tapanui will become Millhaven , NY . I hope the film is set in winter or they may have to wait a bit to film outside






Submitted by Toole on Sat, 04/18/2015 - 18:04

[quote=Steve Newall]

Was in Tapanui , West Otago yesterday . The town is being americanised for the filming of Pete's Dragon starring Robert Redford and Karl Urban . The zip code 10651 doesn't exist in the US (must be a special one for movies?!) but 10650 is in New York state and I think Tapanui will become Millhaven , NY . I hope the film is set in winter or they may have to wait a bit to film outside


'Sussing' out a potential lead role were you Mr Newall cool

Submitted by Steve Newall on Tue, 04/21/2015 - 13:05

I auditioned for the part of a troll but dipped out because I was too ugly

Looks like it will be Millhaven in Washington state apparently . There goes my detective work on the zip code

Was back in the hills again last week


Antennaria aromatica in Kananaskis Country, AB, ~2200m elevation:


I wondered what this beauty was for a long time but I think the ID is finally confirmed.

Lori, you get around, fresh off the heels of the Facebook thread by Panayoti, and the mystery Antennaria, this indeed looks just like A. aromatica, with foliage as good as any Eriogonum.  This species is found in Alberta. Nice photos and specimens.

I was very interested to see that discussion.  With that help, and the simplified keying-out info in the Pojar and MacKinnon book, Alpine Plants of British Columbia, Alberta and Northwest North America, I think I can finally put a name to this incredibly beautiful alpine!  Thanks for doing the sleuthing, Mark!

That's a beauty, Lori!

but you know I love salviassmiley



PS I have one seedlings from the seed you sent me awhile ago!!!


Good news, Fermi!  Glad to hear you got at least one seedling.  It's a great plant that blooms over a long period here.

Harold, you'll be pleased to know that I did send seeds to the NARGS seedex!  Keep an eye out for the seed list.  smiley

Minuartia erythrosepala:

Campanula stevenii ssp. turcaninovii (Campanula turczaninovii) with its interesting dark, upright buds and fuzzy, white calyces - seeds available from the NARGS seed ex:

Submitted by RickR on Mon, 11/30/2015 - 16:07

Very eye-catching!  And nice Rheum, etc. in the background, too.


Ophiopogon umbraticola

Hi, Rick!  What beautiful seedpods - I wish it was hardy here!  (Or maybe it is?  Who knows?)

Eriogonum androsaceum in fall colour:


Thanks!  Feel free to join in at any time!

Bow River valley in Banff National Park, an example of an inverted treeline where cold air swooping down the valley creates tundra conditions at lower elevations than the surrounding forested slopes:


This morning this little clump of rain-lilies was looking good.

Habranthus robustus seedling ex 'Russell Manning' Habranthus robustus seedling ex 'Russell Manning'

This is a seedling of the Habranthus robustus selection or hybrid called 'Russell Manning'



Habranthus robustus seedling ex 'Russell Manning'
Habranthus robustus seedling ex 'Russell Manning'

Beautiful, Fermi!

I'm trying to figure out the IDs of some Erigeron species seen on our hikes. 

Erigeron grandiflorus(?) from an alpine ridge, ~2200m elevation, Alberta Rocky Mountain front ranges: