
Submitted by penstemon on

Ajuga chamaepitys subsp. glareosa. I thought this might be A. bombycina, but I guess that's much woolier.

It doesn't know when to stop blooming. 




Submitted by Lori S. on Tue, 10/21/2014 - 18:53

What a superb plant!  

The only mildly interesting Ajuga I have is Ajuga lupulina... not near so desirable as the one you show, and quite a bit larger, I think.  It blooms here in mid-June through July - quite a long bloom but clearly not so long-blooming as A. chamaepitys.



That's a pretty nice one, though.

Ajuga chamaepitys has a subspecies, chia, which I hear is kind of a weed. This is a biennial or short-lived perennial; seeds here and there. Came from Rocky Mtn. Rare Plants a long time ago.




p.s. I noticed from looking at my blog that this has been in bloom the first week of December, never mind frost. 

Submitted by RickR on Tue, 10/21/2014 - 21:02

That certainly would be one of those stumpers, Bob.  I never would have guessed ajuga!  A wonderful plant.

Do you mean the subspecies chia is a biennial "weed", or the whole species?

I've heard that subsp. chia seeds all over the place; I've never grown it. 

Here's another picture of subsp. glareosa, closer up, taken on the first of December, when it was still in flower (flowers not visible).

