Propagating Orostachys spinosum

Submitted by RPavlis on

My plant has made two offsets, which are growing separately,  and it is now flowering. Is there any way to propagate vegetatively from the flowering mother plant?


Submitted by penstemon on Sun, 10/12/2014 - 10:14

This doesn't answer your question, but orostachys are extremely easy to grow from seed, and I believe that plants are self-fertile, so if you save the seed, or cut the flowering stalk and lay it (or pin it) on the place where you want more plants, you'll get them. 




p.s. I'm attaching two pictures of Orostachys growing in troughs here, one of spinosa, one of minuta. You can see, especially with the latter, that once the plants start self-sowing they can become something of a nuisance.