
Submitted by deesen on

The new Lewisia season has begun, at least here in the UK. My first two:-


Lewisia tweedyi Lemon Form

and an orange/red form of L. cotyledon


Submitted by RickR on Mon, 04/14/2014 - 15:46

Really nice, David.


Those L. cotyledon's sure put out vibrant colors!

In a very dirty pot an apricot form of Lewisia tweedyi grown from seed quite a few years ago now. I love the hint of pink at the ends of the petals.

A rather nice yellow form of Lewisia cotyledon grown from seed from **Ashwood Nursery** and sown October 2012. Also Lewisia congdonii which is tall and staggly and has very small flowers, all of which makes it difficult to photograph (well for me anyway!)


Ashwood Nursery is in the middle part of England (near Birmingham) and, amongst many other genus specialises in Lewisia. Their Web Site is well worth a look and for those who are not able to make use of the Nursery a longing as well.


A rather nice yellow form of Lewisia cotyledon grown from seed from **Ashwood Nursery** and sown October 2012. Also Lewisia congdonii which is tall and straggly and has very small flowers, all of which makes it difficult to photograph (well for me anyway!)


Ashwood Nursery is in the middle part of England (near Birmingham) and, amongst many other genus specialises in Lewisia. Their Web Site is well worth a look and for those who are not able to make use of the Nursery a longing as well.


You shouldn't tempt us (me) like this David, neither with the plants nor the nursery!

I did grow some Lewisias before but had to shut my eyes as I had no proper place or them.

For some reason the Site would not load pictures last night so here are the remainder from my last post just to tempt you again Trond.


A close up of the yellow Lewisia cotyledon.

The flowers of Lewisia congdonii

Submitted by Peter George on Wed, 05/07/2014 - 16:46

I went into sunlight today for the first time in days, although it seems like months. I saw this Lewisia in bloom, and was really quite stunned. Pretty much everything else is behind, but here, the Lewisias are ahead.

Two yellow Lewisia cotyledon forms grown from the same batch of seed. Seed obtained from Ashwood Nursery here in England.

A red L. cotyledon again from Ashwood seed



Submitted by RickR on Sun, 06/15/2014 - 07:12

You always have such nice, fresh looking pics, David!


With all this extra rain, I've been getting a lot of some kind of leaf spot disease on my Lewisia cotyledon plants.

Thanks Rick, I suppose it's helped by my growing them under glass. I sometimes get yellowish/brownish spots on the leaves of some of mine are yours like this?