Christmas Greetings 2013

Submitted by externmed on


Sepals have morphed into petaloids, which mechanically keep flowers flat.  This ugly duckling was the last in the greenhouse.  Not sure if this is a variety or a sporadic mutation.  Sepals can be seen on the flower on the left.

Flowers also face out - not so clear why.

HH to all.

Charles Swanson

(Moderator note: I've split this off into a new thread for 2013 holiday greetings.   Lori)


Thanks for adding the flickr link, Charles - your photos are wonderful!  Are some of those your rock gardens?

And in view of the season, how about some tiny "Christmas trees"?

Submitted by Booker on Mon, 12/23/2013 - 08:05


Seasonal Greetings to all our wonderful friends.
Have a happy, healthy and peaceful 2014.
Kindest regards, Sue and Cliff Booker

Submitted by Fermi on Tue, 12/24/2013 - 04:57

In reply to by Booker

Best wishes, everyone




Submitted by RickR on Tue, 12/24/2013 - 19:17



                               Have the Merriest of Times!

Merry Christmas to all of you! I've been away from Nargs for far too long, but I am back. I do hope you all are having a wonderful Holiday Season. Alas I 

have no photos, but I will have soon. Thanks to all of you for being here, and to Nargs for "just being Nargs" :)   Faith Oberg-Schier

Hope all are having and have had a nice holiday!

I tried to post an image in this thread, and at least one other the other day, but was not allowed-- my messages were flagged as potential spam- or some such wording! There was something to click to deal with the issue, but I have heard nothing back about it....

replies such as this with no images went through fine..

Holiday Greetings all! 

Cohan, I'd like to know more about the error you're seeing when attempting to post photos.  The new NARGS site does have an active anti-spam module known as Mollum, and as with all such utilities, there can be "false positives".  When you say your message was flagged as potential spam, did it present you with a "Captcha" screen, where you input the letters-numbers from an image that makes it hard for "bots" to read? If you do see such a screen, enter the alphanumeric keyword to see if that works; the Mollum module is supposed to learn from such actions and hopefully no longer tag your attempts to post as spam.  If you could write down and let us know the specific messages you're seeing, that would be helpful.

Daniel, any other suggestions on this?


With a very unusual warm day on December 21st, the snow got soft and sticky, and my daughter and I made snowmen.  Mine is the frankensnowman; I used "botanicals", seed of Halesia monticola for eyes and buttons, and for hair seed pods of Hibiscus syriacus, Sedum spectabile seed "trees", and the dreaded yet festive looking Oriental Bittersweet, and nose from Cimicifuga simplex stem panicle.

Submitted by RickR on Thu, 12/26/2013 - 09:41

Very fun and creative, Mark.


It brings dried floral arranging to a new level! cool

Submitted by RickR on Wed, 10/15/2014 - 19:09

Yes, as was the previous one, too.

  The spam screening in this system isn't as good as what we had before.  But this is at the bottom of my wish list for this forum.

Given the apparent ease in manging to post spam to this Forum it really worries me that sometime it isn't going to be something pretty innocuous!