Eriogonum grande var. rubescens

Submitted by CScott on

Sprouted from a winter sowing.

In flower September.


Submitted by Lori S. on Sun, 09/29/2013 - 10:33

Wow!  Very nice, Caroline!  The leaves are so different from our locally-native buckwheats and even from so many of the more southerly species - very exotic!  Amazingly richly coloured flowers too.

Some info on it:

It will be interesting to see if it is capable of wintering over, although from the info one can find, it seems to be one of the less hardy ones, well-adapted to its limited coastal California range.  I hope it sets some seed for next year.  Even if it doesn't, its a very cheerful, colourful bloom for late September!  

P.S. I deleted your duplicate posting. smiley

Submitted by RickR on Sun, 09/29/2013 - 11:27

An interesting foray in every respect, Caroline!  And nice plant!


Is that next to your house for some winter warmth?

Submitted by CScott on Sun, 09/29/2013 - 15:20

The seeds were from last year's Exchange, and I ordered them before i researched this plant.

It may not survive our winter, but we are never sure until we try to over winter them.

I have three strong plants, but only one flowered.  They are on a sunny dry slope.

I suppose that I could protect them with a rose hut.   I will mound peat moss over them.

My worry is that the local hares will find them tasty !