Scutellaria sp. (mislabelled as S. tournefortii)

Submitted by Lori S. on

I like this one a lot!  

I grew this Scut (mislabelled as Scutellaria tournefortii) from seed in 2011, from an Alplains seed order in 2009.  The seeds germinated in 7 days at room temperature, after about 5 weeks of stratification in the cold room.  I find that Scutellaria are often a bit big for my smallish rock gardens, but so far, so good with this one.   The bi-colour flowers are quite enchanting:


Some info:



Submitted by Fermi on Thu, 08/08/2013 - 19:18

Hi Lori,

I like "scoots" as well and this one looks like it would be worth looking out for; <sigh> back to the catalogues! <grin> (damn, I'm missing the emoticons!)

