Campanula identification

Submitted by Fennell on

I grew this Campanula from seed and lost the marker information (permanent markers aren't so permanent).  I think I may have purchased the seeds from the NARGS seed exchange.  The flower looks like Campanula americana, but this Campanula seems to have a horizontal growth habit rather than vertical.  Can someone help?


Submitted by Lori S. on Sun, 08/04/2013 - 22:52

Yes, the flowers do resemble Campanulastrum americanum... the leaf that I can almost make out in your photo seems the wrong shape (and the pistil seems off), and as you said, the habit doesn't match.

Could you add some more photos of the entire plant and the leaf shape?  The open-faced, flat, rounded flowers remind me of the C. carpatica hybrids like 'Royal Wave', etc..  C. persicifolia var. planiflora also has flat, open flowers...  More pictures are always helpful! 


Submitted by Novak on Wed, 10/16/2013 - 15:56

Definitely not Campanulastrum americanum. The corolla should be fairly deeply divided, almost into five separate petals. Also, C. americanum flowers have a white ring near the center, which your flowers lack. I wish I could tell you what it is... it's a lovely thing.


Submitted by RickR on Wed, 10/16/2013 - 21:36

I missed this thread, somehow. 

I'm with Janet, here.    The americanum I have grown from seed of unknown origin and the native ones here are as she describes.

Two pics in the garden, and in the Minnesota wild.


Submitted by Fennell on Thu, 10/17/2013 - 05:55

Thank you, Rick and Janet, for replying to my post.  This really has me puzzled.  I will try to take a photo of the leaves - maybe that will provide additional clues.


[quote=Lori S.]

Yes, the flowers do resemble Campanulastrum americanum... the leaf that I can almost make out in your photo seems the wrong shape (and the pistil seems off), and as you said, the habit doesn't match.

Could you add some more photos of the entire plant and the leaf shape?  The open-faced, flat, rounded flowers remind me of the C. carpatica hybrids like 'Royal Wave', etc..  C. persicifolia var. planiflora also has flat, open flowers...  More pictures are always helpful! 


It would be best if you could add  pictures of the entire plant and close-ups where the leaf shape can be made out, please.