Flor & Fjære

Submitted by Hoy on

Saturday we visited a restaurant with a huge garden on the island of Hidle in Ryfylke, one hour drive and to boat trips south of us.

The garden is planted with 50000 annuals every year in a framework of trees and shrubs, small lakes, creeks and paths. Some of the exotic shrubs and palms are brought inside during the winter. The climate is mild so some exotics like the old olive tree stay outside all year.

Although the weather wasn't the best we had a very nice day and the food was good too!

the beach
olive tree


Submitted by Lori S. on Sun, 06/16/2013 - 19:03

What a pretty place, Trond.  What are the perfect, narrow, conical conifers?  Are they trimmed to be so perfect?

Lori, they are Thuja something and Chamaecyparis ditto. They are trimmed every spring in April.

You recognized the monkey puzzle trees?


Here is the homepage of Flor & Fjære: http://florogfjare.no/norskhttp://florogfjare.no/norsk

An inspired if not surreal landscape, I would love to visit such a place in person for the full experience.  And I did notice the monkey puzzle tree.

Submitted by RickR on Tue, 06/18/2013 - 00:04

Monkey Puzzles trees.  They're in four of the pics.  I am very fond of them, and a friend went to great lengths to overwinter one here.  It actually lasted through three winters (with loads of protection).

Remember this, Lori?  It's Thuja occidentalis 'Degroot Spire',.  Except removing multiple leaders when it was 2ft tall, it's never been trimmed.