Anyone know where on Antelope Island (Utah) Ranunculus andersonii is?

Submitted by Mikkelsen on

Anyone know where on Antelope Island (Utah) Ranunculaus andersonii is?

I have a chance to go look for this beauty (and maybe some seed) tomorrow. Anyone have any specifics?



Submitted by Toole on Tue, 03/19/2013 - 23:12

Hello James

Somewhere in the back of my mind I remember many years ago reading an ARGS bulletin article about a group botanising one of the 'Islands' of the Great Salt Lake .One of the group members found the Ranunculus by chance on cool shady slopes .......I remember the description as being 'on the back of the mountain'.

Whether it was Antelope Island or not I'm unsure and a quick 'Google' shows the Island to be (109 km2) so on reflection I'm not sure whether this will be of any help to you...... :rolleyes:

Best of luck and please show some pics here if you are successful.Thanks.

Cheers Dave.

Submitted by Mikkelsen on Tue, 03/19/2013 - 23:49

Thank you, Dave! I have done internet research and know the habitat type that this Buttercup loves to live in. The only difficulty will be finding that particular habitat within a few hours time  :-\ . And I need to know the boundaries of the State Park so, (if perchance I find seed) I don't encroach on land that forbids the collection of seeds. It's all quite very tricky, you see :)

Submitted by Booker on Wed, 03/20/2013 - 04:24

Lot's of habitat photographs please if you are lucky enough to find this beautiful species, James.  I have at this moment one tiny plant emerging from it's slumbers in a long-tom pot outside in the garden here in Lancashire ... it is incredibly slow, but has survived three of our winters so far.  I hope you can locate the spot ... may I suggest contacting someone in the Utah Chapter for advice/directions?  All the best.

Submitted by Susan ITPH on Sat, 04/04/2015 - 09:57

This comment is about five years too late, but Ranunculus andersonii is most easily found on another island, Stansbury Island. I know of no populations on Antelope Island. The place to go is on the bike trail on BLM land. It is a publicly marked trail off the main dirt road. Just start hiking up the trail and keep a weather eye on the ground near the trail and you should see them. Best time to go is mid-March in a normal winter.