Hydrastis canadensis seeds

Submitted by fleurbleue on

I'm looking for Hydrastis canadensis seeds to buy or swap. Could somebody help me please ?


Submitted by ClifflineGardens on Thu, 03/14/2013 - 07:37

fleurbleue wrote:

I'm looking for Hydrastis canadensis seeds to buy or swap. Could somebody help me please ?

I'm trying to grow them right now. I've done my reading on the subject...several say if the seeds dry out, they're dead. Others claim that they just need double strat.

Seeds available from Prairiemoon nursery, which is my current source. I'm very hopeful that they germinate, if they don't, I'll buy the live plants from the Flower Factory in Wisconsin, near Madison. I'm planning on getting into growing and collecting seed from Woodland medicinals, including Goldenseal. It seems many woodland plants which I'm interested in have complicated germination; Panax quinquefolius, Sanguinaria canadensis, Archaea pachypoda, Archaea rubra, and Dicentra cucullaria. Currently, I'm looking to start growing in the city under shade in window planters. I'll know in a month if anything is germinating, and will share my results at that time.