Nothing may be as stark a realization as...

Submitted by Mikkelsen on

... the sudden realization that December 15th (when the NARGS Seed List is published)
has 24 hours just like all other days leading up to this day and you don't know in which
of the hours list will be open to view :-\


Submitted by CScott on Sat, 12/15/2012 - 09:05

I was wondering whether I was missing it somehow?
Thanks for expressing that you are waiting too.
I put the Seed Exchange right up there with Santa Claus!

Submitted by Peter George on Sat, 12/15/2012 - 10:54

There will be some new and unusual wild collected seed in the Seed Exchange, so make sure you get there early! Alplains sent us some very nice material at a sharp discount. Take advantage of it.

Submitted by Hoy on Sat, 12/15/2012 - 13:44

6:00PM EST means I am in my bed :-\ I stayed up late last night and was very early up this morning too to drive my daughter to the airport (she and some friends want a little pre Xmas weekend in London, can't understand why ;) ) Hopefully it is some interesting things left early Sunday morning!

Submitted by Fermi on Sat, 12/15/2012 - 13:53

Hoy wrote:

Hopefully it is some interesting things left early Sunday morning!

There should be no worries about that!
Last year I had to send my request by "snail mail" as I was off work when the system went "live" and I still got a great lot of seed! This year we have a computer at home - which we only got operational yesterday! Only 3 hours to go!

Submitted by Jeddeloh on Sat, 12/15/2012 - 15:05

I pity the poor suckers who don't garden. The have nothing to look forward to in January except dark and dreary days whereas for gardeners it's the start of Seed Starting Season. Don't you think that should be an official season? On year I even sent out cards (ok I'm weird even for a gardener).

Only one more hour to show time. 


Submitted by McGregorUS on Sat, 12/15/2012 - 16:07

If you're in touch with Chris do give him our best wishes.

Having been online for the last 14 hours waiting and it now being 11 pm UK time I'm going to bed ... perchance to dream ... of seeds !

Submitted by Mikkelsen on Sat, 12/15/2012 - 16:19

I don't know Chris but please let him know that prayers are spoken for his family and all concerned.
Having loved ones in the hospital around the Holidays is more difficult than the rest of the year. The
accumulation of stress can be mind-bending.  :-[

I'll back away from the "doors" to the seed and give him some breathing room. I'm certain that I'm
pressing against the doors the hardest.

Kind Regards,

James  :)

Submitted by RickR on Sat, 12/15/2012 - 21:09

We all hope and pray for the best possible outcome, regarding Chris and his family.


When I order from the Seed Ex, I don't always get the seeds I want the most,
      but goodness, I've never, ever, ever been disappointed!

Submitted by Schier on Sun, 12/16/2012 - 07:08

Jan wrote:

I pity the poor suckers who don't garden. The have nothing to look forward to in January except dark and dreary days whereas for gardeners it's the start of Seed Starting Season. Don't you think that should be an official season? On year I even sent out cards (ok I'm weird even for a gardener).


Sending out cards sounds like a good plan! I may have to "steal your idea"  :)