Where I spent my childhood!

Submitted by Hoy on

It is not my pictures but a friend's. I haven't seen him for 40+ years till he suddenly sent me an email with this link:


I grew up in Oslo; Norway, and all the pictures are taken not far from the city - a lot of them are in fact inside the city border! So here is where I spent several weeekends outside (in something we call a "huk") or in various cabins, many built by teenagers like myself at that time.

Enjoy ;) (I did when looking at them remembering long forgotten places and people.)


Submitted by Howey on Wed, 10/17/2012 - 04:29

Trond:  How lovely - what a beautiful place to grow up and what a fantastic camera.  I, too, grew up among beauty about a mile from the Victoria, B.C. city centre with spots for picnicing, bicycling, etc.  But, sadly, things have been "built up" now and much of what was is no more except in my memory.  The fact that we didn't take enough photographs back then has taught me to take more pictures and try to preserve the beauty around us here and now.  Fran

Frances Howey
London, Ontario, Canada
Zone 5b

Submitted by AmyO on Wed, 10/17/2012 - 17:55

Wow Trond! Lucky you! What a nice thing for your old friend to do, taking you down memory lane.

Submitted by Hoy on Sat, 10/20/2012 - 10:27

Fran, I didnt take pictures myself at that time - luckily a lot of my friends did! They always carried that heavy equipment everywhere too ;D

Amy, yes, I remembered several things I had forgotten, mostly nice ones but some not that nice too!